

Putin reminded the West “Mistral”

on the eve of Navy Day to be celebrated on 26 July, Vladimir Putin took part in the ceremony, which the Kremlin has called "mass" tab - in the shipyards of the country...

Acting Governor of Khabarovsk Krai Degtyarev would ban the dollar

Appointed acting head of the Khabarovsk Krai Duma Deputy Mikhail Degtyarev started his political career in the Pro-Putin movement "Walking together", and on Okhotny Ryad remembered for several controversial initiatives. Mikhail Degtyarev was...

In the Black sea began exercises NATO: Russia is threatened with “Tomahawks”

a Group of 27 ships deployed NATO together with partners of the Alliance in the Black sea. From July 20 began naval exercises Sea Breeze-2020 (Sea breeze). At this time, "Sea breeze" will...

“Wrong,” the Governor – Zhirinovsky in Khabarovsk changed the “right”

a Protracted period of political farce, when the Governor of Khabarovsk Krai was listed as "owner" of Nar in prison, finally ended. Putin sent in his resignation as a "loss of confidence" Sergey...

Putin will attend the parade of the Navy in St. Petersburg

Plans to conduct in St. Petersburg parade on Navy day on July 26, left, Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to visit the Grand event, told RIA Novosti on Monday, press Secretary of the head...

Lukashenko announced the punishment after the election

Alexander Lukashenko do not have good situation with imagination, but he's really all right with clarity. To publicly predict the future course of political events in the Republic, father of all Belarus went...

The candidate in presidents of Belarus hid the children from Lukashenko threatened to kill

the Candidate in presidents of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovski gathered a rally in his support. which, according to various estimates, took part from 7 to 10 thousand people. The organization of the event participated...

The psychologist gave advice to recruits how to stay awake on patrol and guard

during the spring conscription campaign, the Armed forces, Regardie, the border has expanded to 135 thousand young people. One of the problems with which they will face during the service, with its considerable...

The experts evaluated the reports of the Western media about the Russian “dolphins-spy”

In the Western press there were messages on the use of Russian Navy combat dolphins in the Mediterranean sea. Citing satellite images taken in the waters of the Syrian port of Tartus, the...

The amended Constitution found groundwork for raising the retirement age

the New Constitution would allow the authorities to resort to another increase in the retirement age, according to respondents URA.RU economists. In their opinion, the new pension reform will speak immediately after the...

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