

Do not stand on the rails: RF off “the silk road”

American publication Foreign Policy, expressed doubt that Russia is ready to continue to participate in the Chinese initiative of "One belt, one road", devoting a separate article (translation available on the portal the new...

As Khabarovsk met Degtyarev

to put it Mildly, unkind met Khabarovsk appointed instead of Sergey Furgala acting Khabarovsk territory Governor Mikhail Degtyarev. People dissatisfied with the appointment, have expressed their opinion with all means available and under...

Russia ended large-scale test combat readiness of troops

on July 21 in Russia ended with the sudden check of combat readiness of troops, which began last week on the orders of the Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin. During the final stage of...

Five objectives: development of the Russian Federation in the next 10 years

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the national development of the country for the next 10 years. Thus he replaced the previous plan, which was designed to 2024. The new strategy sets...

A family friend of Ramzan Kadyrov condemned the justification of terrorism

a relative of a friend of the family, Ramzan Kadyrov received in Moscow a real term for the justification of terrorism. 28-year-old Yahagi Khalimov, an employee of a cleaning company from Kaliningrad, has...

Putin remains until 2030

Vladimir Putin has corrected national development: compared to the may decree 2018, they have become less ambitious — in particular, disappeared from the list the item on the entry of Russia into the...

Trump has decided to suppress the protests by hard scenario

the Protests that erupted after the murder of George Floyd, have been more than 50 days and is very difficult to say when the speech stops. To disperse the protesters themselves are clearly...

Admiral Kasatonov visited the “father’s” frigate and praised the Ukrainian Navy

In St. Petersburg July 21, solemnly raised the flag of St. Andrew on the frigate of project 22350 "Admiral Kasatonov". This means that the Russian Navy has joined the new warship. "MK" asked...

Aleksei Nechayev, the founder of the party “New people”: “In politics new era”

Alexey Nechaev considers that today, in politics a new era, and the idea that to break into the political arena of the impossible obsolete. This thesis he supported the story of the creation...

The condition of a personal meeting with Putin Zelensky found it impossible

on Tuesday morning, the foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba held a traditional briefing for Ukrainian and foreign journalists. Please colleagues explain why the supposedly "foiled" yesterday the meeting of Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky...

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Nasdaq to Establish Regional Headquarters in North Texas

Nasdaq Expands Presence in North Texas with New Regional HeadquartersIn a strategic move that aims to solidify North Texas as a financial hub akin...

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