

The hero of Russia replied to the scandalous schema-monk Sergius to insult the officer’s...

Scandalous Yekaterinburg schemamonk Sergius Romanov on the eve of the deprivation of his rank, turned to YouTube for parents to send their sons to serve in the army. In it he called the...

Chechnya is not Afghanistan: Kadyrov condemned the US

Ramzan Kadyrov said that he is worthy of the Nobel peace prize, but instead the US imposed sanctions against it. The head of Chechnya said that does not violate human rights, and fought against...

“The ruble left — parted”: Degtyarev has threatened officials

Acting Governor of Khabarovsk Krai Mikhail Degtyarev said he would dismiss regional Ministers, if they will not be able to competently use attracted from the Federal budget. On Monday reported the press service of...

The Network has evaluated Turkish destroyer in Odessa: a letter to the Sultan came

Five NATO ships entered the port of Odessa. Including two ships of Romania, which during the Second world war, Odessa was occupied. In the NATO flotilla was a Turkish ship F243 "will Yildirim"...

The perpetrators of the fires was conceived severely punished in Russia

Deputies of the state Duma proposed to confiscate land from farmers, through whose fault the fire occurred. It is noted that we are talking about landscape fires.As reported by the author of the initiative,...

Degtyaryov admitted, when released to the protesters

Acting Khabarovsk territory Governor Mikhail Degtyarev announced the arrival of the musician Sergei Shnurov in Khabarovsk. It drew attention to the "Moskovsky Komsomolets"."we're coming Serge, but with him, I will go out to the...

Scandalous, acting in Khabarovsk Krai pulls into space

The Russian company "Cosmocats", the operator of suborbital flights, remained the acting Governor of the Khabarovsk territory the opportunity to go into space for testing equipment.That he intends to go sailing in the capacity...

Degtyarev announced the number of demonstrators in Khabarovsk

Acting Governor of Khabarovsk Krai Mikhail Degtyarev has estimated the number of participants in Saturday's rally in Khabarovsk in support of ex-head of the region Sergey Furgala 10 thousand people, he said this to...

The fateful decree of Putin showed the lame fate of Russia

July 27, 1953, 67 years ago, ended the Korean war. The people of North Korea the party and the government quickly explained that he was a people — winner. Although the reality suggests...

We will destroy America and the entire world economy

Not the presidents or kings — the world is ruled by dollars. World possess the dollars. This they cut down forests, fill the tundra with oil, fill the oceans with plastic bags kill...

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Nasdaq to Establish Regional Headquarters in North Texas

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