5 Beneficial Reasons to Switch to Weed
If you are a heavy smoker or are addicted to any dangerous thing like tobacco, cigarettes, cocaine, ice, or any other harmful drug, then it is now time to get rid of it in...
Prince Street Gardens in Scotland
Princes Street Gardens and Edinburgh Castle Gardens are two neighbouring public parks in the middle of Edinburgh, Scotland. The Gardens were built in the 1820s as a result of the protracted draining of the...
Southwest woes lead to unsupported’sickout” claims
Southwest Airlines cancelled more than 2,000 flights this weekend due to bad weather and air traffic control problems. Unsupported claims that vaccine mandates were responsible began to take root.Conservative politicians and pundits including Ted...
A Solid Gold Cross Pendant: A Practical Solution to Support My Daily Appearance!
Did you know? Jewelry is not just a woman's business! In a lot of culture, jewelry is worn as much by women as by men, if not more by the latter. Among Christian clerics,...
Боремся с осенней хандрой: какие развлечения подготовили парки
Сделать осень увлекательной легко, особенно если заранее хорошо спланировать свой досуг. Полюбоваться Москвой с высоты 35 метров или освоить новое хобби? А может, познакомиться с искусством индейских художников или побывать на настоящей подводной лодке?...
Almost 50 thousand plants from the gardens of the Flower Jam festival will be...
Moscow parks, squares and alleys will be decorated with plants from the gardens of "Flower jam". The festival was held in the capital from September 1 to October 1. During the week, experts dismantled their...
От микроклона винограда до стволовых клеток: в «Зарядье» пройдет фестиваль Nauka 0+
Парк «Зарядье» в четвертый раз станет площадкой фестиваля Nauka 0+. 9 и 10 октября в научно-познавательном центре «Заповедное посольство» состоится более 20 лекций о генетике и качестве жизни. Мероприятия пройдут в офлайн- и онлайн-форматах....
Moscow Planetarium opens after modernization
On October 10, the Moscow Planetarium will open after the modernization of the Great Star Hall. The 25-meter dome screen, one of the five largest in the world, has improved image quality.You can get...
A nutritionist has revealed a way to lose 40 kilograms without sports and giving...
A nutritionist from India dropped 40 kilograms without exercising and giving up sugar and revealed a way to successfully lose weight. This is reported by India News.38-year-old Khyati Rupani said that she faced overweight...
A creature found in the 1990s in New Mexico has been identified
Paleontologists from the University of Bath and the Museum of Natural History and Science of New Mexico (USA) have re-examined a fossil discovered more than twenty years ago on the ranch of the famous...