Life Style

Disclosed the terms of the refund tourists for rest in Russia

the Federal tourism Agency has revealed the terms of repayment to the Russians for rest in the country. Details Wednesday, July 22, leads "Interfax".According to the Agency, under the new program, the government will...

In the Museum-reserve of the wedge to the 180th anniversary of Tchaikovsky’s updated exposure

the Exposition was renewed for the 180th anniversary of the composer, and the original version of this exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Tchaikovsky was opened in 2015 to its 175th anniversary....

Free workshops and romance of the seas: a program for ENEA on the Day...

the Day of family, love and loyalty July 8, guests ENEA will be a festive program, and visitors with the names of Peter and Fevronia (upon presentation of identity documents) free entrance to...

Eugene by dyibsky. “Change your mind every day”

the Quarantine was canceled, and the necessity of isolation remained. Especially for artists, because they at all times need solitude. And no matter what is happening outside the window – pandemic or parade....

The theater at Raihelgauz conducted the first performance after quarantine

Everything strictly by the rules: guard meets every artist and employee of the theater "School of modern drama" invitation to measure the temperature. Hearing his "thirty six and six" and having, if necessary,...

The predicted opening of another country for flights to Russia

In the near future for flights to Russia, limited on the background adopted by the pandemic coronavirus measures that can be opened by one country. Such opinion in conversation with shared Vice-President of...

Actor Ian McKellen has donated 40 thousand pounds for the rescue workers of the...

the Staff, stagehands, costume designers, makeup artists and those who serve the beloved in the shadow of the blinding spotlight, now fighting for survival, no less than their stellar counterparts. During a pandemic,...

American Vogue dedicated an article to the outfits of the Ukrainian group “VIA Gra”

the American version of fashion magazine Vogue has published on its website an article on the style of the Ukrainian pop group "VIA Gra".Fashion editor Satenstein vine (Liana Satenstein) noted that her favorite era...

Exhibition in honor of the 90th anniversary of Director George Danelia opened in metro

on August 25, 90 years since the birth of the outstanding Soviet Director Georgi Daneliya. He died on 4 April 2019. In the Moscow metro organized an exhibition in his honor, and it...

Cord removed the clip socialite Aunt Motya: a dream come true

Sergey Shnurov revives the group "Leningrad". Tonight at midnight will be released next shocking video rocker. It seems that Sergey Shnurov has decided to blow up the network's new hit, soon will be...

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Fatal Shooting Reported in Oak Lawn, Police Investigating

In the bustling Oak Lawn neighborhood of Dallas, tragedy struck on a quiet Wednesday morning as one individual fell victim to a fatal shooting....

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