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4 German regions are Corona-Hotspots, 7 cities with more than 1000 Infected

the Corona-epidemic: click Here for district map of the Robert Koch-Institute as before, the Numbers continue to grow on the infected and deceased Corona-patient, strong in...

Press conference with Corona experts of the Federal view

The number of in Switzerland and Liechtenstein proven Corona-infections has increased, according to the Federal within a day to 975 cases to 20'278. According to the BAG-man Daniel cook 435 patients, and patients...

Should have taken called to demonstration against Corona rules: man, Weinheim fixed

With the Demonstration, where many people had gathered in the Public, have called the man, according to the current regulations for containment of the Corona-crisis to a Crime, said a spokesman for...

Unknown is said to have raped pensioners – who knows this man?

at the beginning of July 2019, it came in the area of Jena-Ost (Schlegel Berg), a serious sexual offence. A previously unknown man rang the bell, the 82-year-old, living alone...

This is illegal: Cash for Rares-Star with Facebook Post for outrage

the fancy "Bares für Rares"Star and Amateur photographer posted on Thursday a confusing photo. Showing him how is he doing in a national Park in Namibia snapshots of the surroundings. Just stupid...

More infectious than I thought, 3 hours in the air active: Coronavirus can be...

The Coronavirus is transmitted mainly by droplet infection. So far, the assumption that the pathogens are stuck in the large droplets was spinning out impregnating material, the people when coughing or Sneezing....

Corona-output restrictions: What’s allowed, in spite of the Virus actually?

Currently, the spread of the highly infectious Sars-CoV is forcing-2 Virus, people to all sorts of restrictions and changes. To further infections with Covid to prevent the 19, remain the...

Behind closed doors, the rules are tightened: Sweden Corona-strategy collapses

The red-green government in Stockholm, followed yet a more liberal policy than Germany or other Scandinavian neighbouring countries. Instead of restrictions was appealed to the sense of responsibility of the population. ...

The district of Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg: Infected, deaths, cases per capita – the current Figures

the The Corona-crisis in the Live-Ticker: All News and facts Tempelhof-schöneberg is the seventh borough of Berlin. Known in the Berlin district of the...

300 people gather in spite of a contact ban in front of a mosque...

So gathered last Friday in Berlin's Neukölln district, according to police reports, around 300 people in front of a mosque - apparently, the Friday prayer to follow. "The prayer was completed,...

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Duncanville Boys Basketball Wins 6A-D1 State Championship

SAN ANTONIO - It was a night of triumph and glory for the Duncanville Panthers as they clinched the 6A-Division 2 state championship title...

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