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The regional Association of Saarbrücken Infected, deaths, cases per capita – the current Figures

the The Corona-crisis in the Live-Ticker: All News and facts The Regionalverband Saarbrücken is a Kommunalverband in the Saarland on the border to France....

Coronavirus: a Post-stamp needs to be licked – view

It was well-meant: The Swiss Post has a new special stamp "solidarity" on the market. The objective was to called the in Switzerland the current "unique, lived" solidarity verb. The proceeds will go...

All ethical principles are violated: palliative physician, complains about wrong handling with Corona patients

Matthias Thöns complained in an Interview with the "Deutschlandfunk", a "very one-sided focus on the intensive treatment" of patients in the corona of a crisis. The palliative care physician, calls for: Elderly...
5 of the most unusual planets in the Universe

5 of the most unusual planets in the Universe

12 April cosmonautics Day. In 1961, on this day, flew in space the first man — Yuri Gagarin. His mission was to circumnavigate the Earth — the planet on which we, its inhabitants, know...

Berner Corona Drive in less Positive tests – view

car window cranks down give, smear – and on the result of the Tests for the Coronavirus wait. On the Berner BEA-site can also test who has no symptoms. The Drive-in, a pilot...
In Komi have 28 people previously identified coronavirus

In Komi have 28 people previously identified coronavirus

The number of residents who have previously identified coronavirus, a day increased by 28 people, the number of confirmed cases has not changed, said acting head of the Republic Vladimir Uiba."Today we remained at...

How widespread is the Coronavirus? RKI will start massive testing program

In Germany, an infection with Sars-CoV-2 is to be reported. Nevertheless, the official registration figures reflect how you post about the States or the Robert-Koch Institute, only a part of the actual...

Live-Stream: address by the Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier live to see

Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier will hold on Saturday in a televised address to the current Situation in the Corona of a pandemic. It is the first Time that a German...

Argue, rant, sulk: Since the Corona flying sparks, but the erotic

Before the Corona belonged to my wife and I to the happy couples, the fight rarely and nevertheless (or straight therefore?) a lot of good Sex. Even only with each other! Then...

Rita Ora talks about her refugee Childhood

And although Rita grew up in the posh London district of Notting Hill, looked at you still with "prejudice" of people who used the word "refugee" as a "pejorative" term. As she...

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Texas Senate Pushes for More Small Starter Homes in New Neighborhoods

Texas Senate Bill Aims to Increase Affordable Housing AvailabilityIn a bid to address the housing affordability crisis in Texas, the state Senate introduced Senate...

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