Life Style

Where the action “Immortal regiment” can be viewed on the Internet

So, for example, the service Okko together with Sberbank announced the launch of a project this big date. The service will broadcast the online version of the March "Immortal regiment", shows concerts and has...

“The quarantine over the earth, quarantine”

How to survive in the quarantine and not go crazy in the four walls during the isolation? Judging by how actively discussing this issue, there is a feeling that people are not so...

Zhanna badoeva show Italy during the pandemic in the “Lives of others”

"I interviewed the doctor and found out it was true or fake is a shocking video, leafless in the middle of March the whole of Europe, where a string of army trucks allegedly were...

Онлайн-марафон Doctor Jazz Party пройдет в поддержку врачей и больниц

МОСКВА, 30 апр — РИА Новости. Сегодня, в Международный день джаза, в 16:00 по Москве при поддержке Российского фонда прямых инвестиций (РФПИ) пройдет благотворительный онлайн-марафон Doctor Jazz Party в поддержку российских больниц и их...

The phenomenon of Jaroslav Hasek and the massacre of the brave Schweik

Your name Svejk received before the birth of Hasek. Older brother of writer Joseph lived for several days. Hasek did not able to forget about it. My protagonist he gave the name of the...

The girl dropped 43 pounds for 12 months and told me his secret

a Resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, spoke about how she managed for 12 months to lose 43 pounds. Her story was published by the website Runner's World.the 27-year-old Erik Winning (Erika Winning) decided to lose...

Международный день джаза: красивые легенды и яркие звезды

МОСКВА, 30 апр — РИА Новости, Анна Нехаева. Считается, что джаз — немассовое искусство. Есть легенда, что он появился в Новом Орлеане, но так ли это? Международный день джаза — отличный повод разобраться в...

The history of things. Look in one of the first Russian printed book —...

the First exactly dated Russian printed book was "the Apostle", published in Moscow by deacon Ivan Fyodorov in the second half of the XVI century. That represents this volume, one copy of which is...

The Russians will show the life Nagiyev quarantined and the mystic ballet

Online cinema Okko exclusive show series sarika Andreasian "Nagiyev quarantined" on the life of showman and actor Dmitry Nagiyev during a pandemic coronavirus. About it reported in a press release received by the editors".ru".the...

To reset the internal clock Nikita Borisoglebsky about what classical music to listen...

Slow down and touch the eternal — these tasks that are life-giving to the human psyche under stress, always had classical music. "Kommersant Style" asked Nikita Boriso-Glebsky, violinist and excellent musical taste and brilliant...

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Texas Senate Pushes for More Small Starter Homes in New Neighborhoods

Texas Senate Bill Aims to Increase Affordable Housing AvailabilityIn a bid to address the housing affordability crisis in Texas, the state Senate introduced Senate...

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