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Theatre “Shelter comedian” invited the audience to a online tea party

In this theater there is a good tradition: before each premiere to invite the club members are regular viewers of "the Hunt for playwrights" for a sit-down for tea with the Director and actors....

Vakhtangov prepared for the anniversary: injections make even walls

At that time, when all the Metropolitan theatres are closed, one is still working. No, the performances and the audience here, of course not, but it's a scene seen in its time, going...

Rectors of the University and “Pike” spoke about the rules of admission to universities

Despite the pandemic of theatrical universities are working hard to recruit new students. During these two months, all the rectors in one voice shouted that creativity is impossible to learn online. But the...

How was filming the series “Katya and black”

Golden Retriever named Tim has all chances to become a big star. He touches navigatsionnykh people are supposed to fall in love with movie stars, and produces an irresistible impression on children. Actress...

Boris Grebenshchikov will give a home concert together with Alexander Titov

Boris Grebenshikov sing for an acoustic guitar, along with his longtime friend and bandmate Alexander Titov. The program favorite more than one generation "sycamore", "the Art of being quiet" and "Road 21" and the...

“The testimony of the poets” Vasily Kondratyev The Choice Of Igor Gulin

In the late 1980s, young Vasily Kondratyev was in a sense, the crowning member of the Leningrad underground. His poems differed formal radicalism, a catchy disregard adopted in the city's neo-classical note. And at...

“I still love to play someone at home” Boris Grebenshchikov about online house...

May 15, on the platform of Okko under the project of Ivan Vyrypaev "OKKO Theatre" will be presented to the home concert of Boris Grebenshchikov "Kvartyrnyk BG" in the shooting which took part the...

In Russia, burned the circulation of erotic books, and in Canada it was republished

for the First time in the history of modern Russia was burned all copies of the book – a collection of erotic short stories, written by our contemporary writers. The surviving copy of...

Care Erica Herceg of VIA gra associated with a love story

the Jubilee 20th year of the project VIA Gra was marked by the departure of another participant, which was its soloist for 7 years - Erica Herceg. She said of his decision to...

New book Vodolazkin about the coronavirus, “Sister four” comes online

On the website and applications "Read!" and "Listen!" 18 may will be available the first of the four stories, "a tragicomic play about the writer, the Deputy, the crucians in sour cream and...

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