

Starts in Moscow Olympiad in robotics for students of 4-11 grades

Moscow students of 4-11 grades are invited to participate in a robotics competition. The event is organized by the Center of excellence. This is a team competition that consists of three stages. The first...

Top Solitaire Games for iOS

The magic feeling of a good game of Solitaire has become a favorite pastime for many people. From classic Solitaire to Spider, this card game has been made more accessible with time, as interest...

How can slot games impact negatively on some people

Playing slots, online or offline, is a great hobby and one that many people love. Why else would there be so many new games coming out all the time, and so many online casinos...

The Most Exciting Romantic Movies of 2020 So Far

The best feeling is sitting on a couch with a bowl of popcorns while watching a good movie with loved ones. The year 2020 saw many people spending a lot of time in doors...

Bandarqq & Dominoqq the on-demand gaming experience

Online casinos are fun and great experience and can be played with real money. There are varieties of games to choose from, access to bonuses and fast withdrawals.This article will guide you on how...

Сергей Собянин: «Московская электронная школа» уже стала неотъемлемой частью учебного процесса

В Международный день учителя Сергей Собянин вручил награды столичным педагогам и обсудил с ними новые сервисы «Московской электронной школы» («МЭШ»). По словам Мэра Москвы, День учителя — это настоящий общенародный праздник, он касается не только...

Muscovites in the Russian team took second place at the International mathematical Olympiad

Summed up the 61-th International mathematical Olympiad. For the award fought more than 600 students from 105 countries. The Russian team, which included three Moscow student, took second place in the unofficial team standings....

What Bonuses Can You Get Playing at Casinos Online?

Online casinos have started a real battle for customers. This market is a "red ocean" - the so-called markets in which a huge number of competitors are fighting for an equally large number of...

Ways to earn a whopping amount of money by playing the casino game.

Everyone would love to gamble to earn a whopping amount of money. However, without learning the game and strategies, you cannot take a plunge into the online world. There are many casinos where you...

Some of Best Female Action Heroes in the Movie Industry Right Now

Just like the online casino industry, the action movie industry has always been male-dominated. If women were to be playing any particular roles, the roles would have to be supporting roles.  Even up to...

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Secret Service agent who jumped onto JFK’s car dies

Clint Hill, the heroic Secret Service agent who courageously leaped onto John F. Kennedy's car moments after the fatal shot was fired in Dallas,...

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