Москва приглашает в гости: город будет привлекать туристов старшего поколения
Столица подготовила новую меру поддержки для туристической отрасли, которая поможет стимулировать рост выгодных и разнообразных предложений для путешественников старшего поколения. Туроператоры, организующие поездки в столицу для граждан в возрасте старше 55 лет, смогут частично...
Сделано в Москве: Сергей Собянин представил основные предприятия легкой промышленности
Сергей Собянин в своем блоге поздравил москвичей с Днем работников легкой промышленности, который отмечается 12 июня. В 2021 году объемы производства одежды и изделий из кожи увеличились на 120 процентов, а текстильных изделий —...
Sergei Sobyanin announced the development of a city network of postamats
A city network of parcel delivery and delivery devices will appear in the capital. The resolution on the implementation of the Moscow Postamat project was signed by Sergei Sobyanin. In recent years, a wide network...
Another data center will be built in technopolis “Moscow”
Resident of the special economic zone (SEZ) "Technopolis Moscow" has begun to build another data center specializing in working with big data. This was announced by Vladimir Efimov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for...
К Московской неделе моды присоединятся площадки в разных районах города
Первая Московская неделя моды пройдет с 20 по 26 июня. Как рассказала Наталья Сергунина, заместитель Мэра Москвы, организаторы задействуют несколько площадок, главной из которых станет парк «Зарядье»: российским дизайнерам будет доступно не менее шести...
Risk aversion: How to dodge the common start-up pitfalls
If you've read the business press for some time, you'll know all about the risks that involve start-ups. For every multi-billion dollar one, umpteen others fall on their knees.It's a tough job - but...
6 Mistakes To Avoid For Your Landscaping Business
The landscaping industry continues to grow as an increasing number of homeowners are interested in paying for someone to look after their lawns and exterior home aesthetic. Thus, it’s no surprise that entrepreneurs are...
Why you need a project manager for your next software project
Businesses all over the world are always looking for solutions to improve the ease of serving their customers. One of the mediums many businesses have been exploring is developing software and applications to reach...
Deal struck by Elon Musk to Buy Twitter for $44 Billion
Twitter agreed to be bought by Elon Musk in an agreement valued at $44 billion. The board declared Monday afternoon.Bret Taylor, an independent chair of the company's board, stated in a statement that the proposed transaction...
GM will sell a hybrid Corvette that is both gas and electric starting next...
General Motors is close to launching a new Chevrolet Corvette, which will be partially electric-powered and partially gas-powered, according to a top company official Monday.In a statement posted on LinkedIn, President Mark Reuss stated that the...