
The new quiz of the Active Citizen project is dedicated to walking around Moscow

A new "Big Quiz" has started in the project "Active Citizen". This time it is dedicated to walking routes and tourist services of the city. Its participants can get up to 60 points."Active citizens"...

Живая книга: как работает экоцентр «Конный двор» в Терлецком лесопарке

В Москве работает 10 экологических центров, где детей и взрослых учат общаться с природой, распознавать представителей флоры и фауны, читать их знаки.Один из таких экоцентров — «Конный двор», расположенный в Терлецком лесопарке. Несмотря на название, лошади...

Объем господдержки компаний из ОЭЗ «Технополис “Москва”» превысил 4,5 миллиарда рублей

Компании из особой экономической зоны (ОЭЗ) «Технополис “Москва”» с 2019 года получили государственную поддержку более чем на 4,5 миллиарда рублей. Об этом сообщил заместитель Мэра Москвы по вопросам экономической политики и имущественно-земельных отношений Владимир...

HillCo Partners: March Economic Update

HillCo Partners is a public policy advisory and lobbying firm based in Austin, Texas. It is one of the country’s leading lobbying firms. The firm prepares a monthly economic update for its clients, as...

How Texas Is Becoming a Hub for Real Estate Technology

In only a matter of years, Texas has rapidly attracted the attention of the tech industry. The Los Angeles Times even speculated that Austin had the potential to become the new Silicon Valley, following...

How Young Adults Can Start Saving For A Mortgage Down Payment

Do you want to wait until your mid-thirties to buy your first home? The median age of first-time home buyers was 33 last year, so it will probably be worse in a decade. You'll...

Moscow invites you to visit: the city will attract tourists of the older generation

The capital has prepared a new measure of support for the tourism industry, which will help stimulate the growth of profitable and diverse offers for older travelers. Tour operators organizing trips to the capital...

Москва возглавила рейтинг популярных туристических направлений России на июньские праздники

Москва стала самым популярным направлением для поездок на июньские праздники, сообщила Наталья Сергунина, заместитель Мэра Москвы. В пятерку также вошли Санкт-Петербург, Республика Татарстан, Нижегородская и Владимирская области. По данным туристического сервиса , у тех,...

Moscow topped the rating of popular tourist destinations in Russia for the June holidays

Moscow has become the most popular destination for trips on June holidays, said Natalia Sergunina, Deputy Mayor of Moscow. The top five also included St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir...

Cashback for impressions, discounts to theaters, new online services: what ideas were heard at...

How to attract travelers from the regions of Russia and other countries to Moscow? The task of promoting the tourism potential of the capital was solved by the participants of the first team competition...

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Congressman postpones town hall due to safety concerns

In a recent turn of events, Rep. Keith Self, a congressman from Collin County, Texas, has faced a wave of threats and safety concerns...

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