
The home office due to Corona: tips for better Wi-Fi performance view

Many wireless networks in apartments and houses are currently experiencing a Double and triple burden. Women and men need to the Wi-Fi for the home office, the children for Online Learning or for...

Last month, a 40 per cent reduction in flights from Brussels Airport coronacrisis

The economy and The impact of the corona virus on the flights to and from Brussels Airport is very clear to see. It was in march, less than 10.888 flights, or 40 percent less...

Blues in the Green hell: The spooky atmosphere at the Nürburgring

The pale, washed-out, already badly torn piece of paper with the official seal flapped on top of his inadequate protective plastic film ends violently in the strong Eifel wind to the grid...

Little movement can have a negative impact on the Psyche – view

regular physical activity keeps us slim and fit, but also improves our metabolism and keeps the heart and the circulation. Furthermore, sports-reduce Stress and the risk of high blood pressure or...

No cafes, no sea, no bbqs this weekend. Even if the weather is nice

Nice weather and not this weekend. The flemish prime minister, Jan Jambon, in a video on the social media this weekend as the guidelines to adhere to. We must, according to him, now...

Coronacrisis brings to the team Greg Van Avermaet in a serious shortness of breath:...

Cycling three-Quarters of the staff made redundant. The riders, who make up 80% of wages submitted. And with a sponsor in an emergency. Covid-19 hits (CCC) in the heart. The team of Greg Van...

Long traffic jam at the peak of the Colruyt of the country

If Friday's messages will go to the government of Leuven have a lot to talk about. There, in the morning, a file of more than 100 people. “We are, after all, the busiest...

Challenge accepted GROUPS share a massive children’s photo’s

world of showbiz, We should have something to do now that we are all, all of them at home, and therefore, diving is becoming more and more of the challenges on social media. One...

The new guidelines, minister for education, Ben Weyts: the Pupils work with a maximum...

now, Students have a maximum of four hours per day working on the tasks for the school. That's the new directive from the Education minister, Ben Weyts (N-VA), for the period after the...

Fresh leaf spinach nutritional values and vitamins of spinach – view

prejudices first: spinach, we must not eat warmed-up. Secondly, It contains a lot of iron.In the first case, the answer is: Yes and no. For adults the Heat released nitrite is, if the...

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