
100 years of income tax – a brief history

With the income tax every person who earns in Germany money is a part of his earnings to the Federal, the Länder and the municipalities. It is thus one of in addition...

Welfare Association calls for 100 Euro more for Hartz-IV recipients

In the ARD morning magazine, said Ulrich Schneider on Tuesday, alone, 600,000 people would have to live in Germany at the Shelter. In addition, some 1.6 million regular customers, the boards were...
Ученые нашли ген, отвечающий за регенерацию сердца

Ученые нашли ген, отвечающий за регенерацию сердца

МОСКВА, 14 апр — РИА Новости. Ученые-биологи сделали удивительное открытие. Изучая гены, отвечающие за развитие рака, они выяснили, что один из них может запускать регенерацию клеток сердца. Результаты исследования опубликованы в журнале Nature Communications.Исследователи...
Weve turned the dollar into toilet paper chief investment officer tells Keiser Report

Weve turned the dollar into toilet paper chief investment officer tells Keiser Report

Central banks and fiscal policy makers worldwide are launching huge stimulus measures in an effort to backstop the global economy, as the Covid-19 pandemic takes its...

Expert predicts financial Repression, Inflation will shoot in the height

Welcome to the theatre of deception. For weeks we sit helpless in the imposed house arrest, because our human social behaviour is not in accordance with, or Corona, in accordance with. In...
Gold price soaring as coronavirus shakes global economy

Gold price soaring as coronavirus shakes global economy

Gold has extended its rally with prices reaching their highest level in more than seven years on investor concerns that the Covid-19 pandemic will have a...
US shale production to drop by record amount in April

US shale production to drop by record amount in April

The EIA expects US shale oil production to drop next month to 8.526 million barrels per day in the seven most prolific shale basins in the...
Найдено лекарство против тяжелой пневмонии при COVID-19

Найдено лекарство против тяжелой пневмонии при COVID-19

МОСКВА, 14 апр — РИА Новости. Китайские ученые выяснили, что применение так называемых адъювантных препаратов, назначаемых при гипертензии, существенно снижает риск развития тяжелой пневмонии при COVID-19. Результаты опубликованы на сайте библиотеки препринтов medRxivПоиск лекарств,...

Trump achieved in spite of the historic reduction in subsidies by the Opec+ only...

His role as a "Dealmaker" is the US President Donald Trump once more. After had gone through the negotiations on a reduction in subsidies by the Opec and Russia for days hung...

Tesla will need to submit revised documents for factory Foundation

Tesla intend to pile foundations, which were not included in the request by December 2019, for the approval for the construction of a Tesla factory, the spokeswoman for the Ministry of the...

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