
Assistance in lending in the capital adopted the third package of measures to support the business

Assistance in lending in the capital adopted the third package of measures to support...

In Moscow, adopted the third package of measures to support the capital's businesses. It concerns the help in the lending business. This was written by Sergei Sobyanin in his blog. So, small and medium...
Your call is very important to you

Your call is very important to you

Forensic chamber of the Russian Federation launched a "hot line" support for Russians affected by the coronavirus in the beginning of March. It's been almost a month. What did it show?Denis Shulzhenko: Initially,...
Russian banks have problems with customer service

Russian banks have problems with customer service

Failure because of the situation with coronavirus in time to change the passport on age leads to the fact that banks are starting to refuse these customers service. Problems have already arisen in several...
In jail for the butt

In jail for the butt

in addition, according to the emergency Department for admitted the offence to administrative responsibility attracted more than 250 legal entities and nearly 750 officials of local governments, as well as more than 7 thousand...
Условия центра Земли впервые воссоздали в лаборатории

Условия центра Земли впервые воссоздали в лаборатории

МОСКВА, 15 апр — РИА Новости. Японские ученые, используя ячейку с алмазными наковальнями, впервые смогли в лабораторном эксперименте получить давления и температуры, характерные для внешнего ядра Земли, а также проверить, каким будет при этом...

Физики объяснили, почему во Вселенной преобладает материя

МОСКВА, 15 апр — РИА Новости. Британские физики, работающие в крупном международном эксперименте T2K, проводимом в обсерватории Камиока в Японии, обнаружили признаки нарушения так называемой СР-симметрии, что позволяет объяснить преобладание вещества над антивеществом во...
Boeing customers cancel 150 jet orders in March amid coronavirus crisis 737 MAX debacle

Boeing customers cancel 150 jet orders in March amid coronavirus crisis 737 MAX...

The plunging demand for air travel due to the Covid-19 pandemic has led to massive cancellations of jet orders by Boeing customers. It adds to the...
Who published a list of potential vaccines against coronavirus

Who published a list of potential vaccines against coronavirus

MOSCOW, April 15 — RIA Novosti. According to the world health organization (who), is now the world developed not less than 70 potential vaccines against coronavirus, and three of them are in the clinical...
Global economy likely to suffer its worst recession since the Great Depression IMF

Global economy likely to suffer its worst recession since the Great Depression IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday has dramatically downgraded its outlook on the global economic growth, projecting a sharp contraction for this year amid “exceptionally...

ВОЗ опубликовала список потенциальных вакцин от коронавируса

МОСКВА, 15 апр — РИА Новости. По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ), в настоящее время в мире разрабатывается не менее 70 потенциальных вакцин против коронавируса, причем три из них уже проходят клинические испытания. Ближе...

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