
Kuban doctors asked the Governor to extend the quarantine in the region

Kuban doctors asked the Governor to extend the quarantine in the region

Quarantine coronavirus, the effect of which on the territory of Krasnodar region officially ends on Saturday, April 18, may be extended. Today this is the leading doctors of the region asked the Governor Veniamin...

Garden vacancies

earlier in the Tatarstan AIC for individual items were taken migrants or students, this season no such need. Due to the decline in economic activity caused by the pandemic in a number of industries...
Look at the clique

Look at the clique

the discussion of the improvement projects, and surveys of local residents about which parks, gardens or other areas more in need of improvement, have been held for several years. However, until now they were...
Russias richest businessmen have lost 40 billion compensate at the expense of citizens

Russias richest businessmen have lost 40 billion compensate at the expense of citizens

the Financial troubles of the domestic economy has taken its toll on the richest Russians. In the updated ranking of the 200 most wealthy entrepreneurs of our country, compiled annually by Forbes magazine,...
Sounded unpleasant details of issuing interest free loans for salaries

Sounded unpleasant details of issuing interest free loans for salaries

Vladimir Putin has proposed to expand the program of preferential crediting of business to pay salaries. So the government will maintain the level of incomes of Russians. The state will partially take over...
In Novosibirsk there will be more bike lanes

In Novosibirsk there will be more bike lanes

the number of objects included in the Federal program - part of the street vladimirovskaya street Factory street Dusi Kovalchuk. It is planned to upgrade the roadway surface and sidewalks, replace the fencing and...
Less than 1 per barrel on oil revenues Russia predicted the fall

Less than 1 per barrel on oil revenues Russia predicted the fall

Moscow was able to stop the oil war with Riyadh, but the consequences for the Russian budget from the market collapse only begin to manifest. In may the budget of the Russian Federation...
Developers will get a reprieve on rent payments

Developers will get a reprieve on rent payments

a New package of anti-crisis measures adopted in the capital, includes tools to support development companies. They will allow developers to get a deferral of the lease payments is more than.Moscow's Economy, he said,...
The expert criticized the idea of state regulation of prices for food shortage of food will return

The expert criticized the idea of state regulation of prices for food shortage of...

In the state Duma introduced two bills on regulation of prices for socially important food products. Lawmakers are convinced that in the conditions of pandemic and economic collapse is the most effective measure...
Yamal families with two children or more will pay 30 thousand rubles

Yamal families with two children or more will pay 30 thousand rubles

So, the Governor of Yamal Dmitry Artyukhov said on payment to families with children on 30 thousand roubles from means of the regional parent capital. Today families with evidence at the regional maternity capital,...

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