Glazyev accused robot the speculators in the collapse of the ruble
the Ruble may not collapse after oil, according to a former presidential adviser and current Minister of the Eurasian economic Commission (EEC) Sergei Glazyev. According to him, the March collapse of the domestic...
On the background of the coronavirus banks recorded an increased demand for cash
against the background of the pandemic coronavirus Russians in droves for cash, resulting in a sharp outflow of liquidity from banks. In March, the volume of cash in circulation grew by 0.7 trillion...
The Ministry of Finance will spend from the national welfare Fund to 2 trillion...
At the end of 2019, Russia's GDP totaled 109 trillion this year according to all forecasts it will decline by a few percentage points. Thus, the volume of fiscal support to the economy, suffered...
The fines violators isolation needs to go to help the victims of the crisis
due to the coronavirus that causes many residents to lose their jobs. Or lose and continue to work, but they are no longer accrue salary. Or accrued, but less than before. Therefore, they...
The laws of conservation employment
the Government on Thursday reviewed the plan of additional measures to support citizens and businesses in terms of the spread of coronavirus infection. The Minister of economic development Maxim Reshetnikov feature of the second...
Check virus
a Report on the positions of political parties in the face of the pandemic were presented by the Director of the Institute of the newest States Alexey Martynov. Together with colleagues he studied the...
Salary expectations
Under the guise of a businessman he called in two of the largest Bank in one of the "hot line" has told that the government allegedly has not yet signed the decree, the other...
Putin has decided not to freeze construction due coronavirus developers will save the economy
"do Not freeze": so, Vladimir Putin responded to the appeal of developers of the Moscow region complained to the government to stop the construction. According to him, the work on construction projects can...
Doctor Online
- we Have a telemedicine programme is valid for a year. But still we used it only in a few cases, if the patient could not come to the reception, told "RG" in the...
Radishes in the package
In the district of Spruce in Perm region last weekend, a local resident, we'll call her Helen H decided to run to mom for tomato seedlings. The village is small, relatives live nearby, just...