
It’s in, and it’s big: Senators create $1T infrastructure bill

After much delay, senators unveiled a nearly $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package, wrapping up days of painstaking work on the inches-thick bill and launching what is certain to be a lengthy debate over President Joe...

Marsh turtles were found in the Kuzminki-Lublin Park

In the Pike pond, located in the natural-historical park "Kuzminki-Lublin", Mospriroda specialists found 10 marsh turtles. Reptiles with a spotted muzzle are met by employees and visitors not for the first time. Turtles after...

Осторожный грызун: на берегах рек Сетуни и Яузы замечены ондатры

В природном заказнике «Долина реки Сетунь» и природно-историческом парке «Останкино» замечены ондатры. Специалисты Мосприроды отмечают, что увидеть и сфотографировать зверька очень сложно — он осторожен и избегает встречи с человеком.Внешне зверь напоминает крысу, однако...

Myanmar military declares an emergency and promises a vote within 2 years

Six months after grabbing power from the elected government in Myanmar, the military leader declared himself prime minister on Sunday. He said that he would continue to lead the country during an extended state...

As the economy recovers, US jobless claims fall 24,000 to 400,000

Last week saw a drop in the number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits. This is another indicator that the market continues to recover quickly from the coronavirus recession.According to the Labor Department, unemployment claims...

White House Anti-ransomware bid boosted by $10 million in rewards

For information leading to the identification and arrest of foreign-sanctioned malicious hacking activity, such as ransomware attack against U.S. infrastructure, the State Department will pay up to $10,000,000. The White House has established a task force to...

Senate Dems in the Top Set Infrastructure Vote, Under Pressure from Legislators

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pressed lawmakers to agree by next week to a pair massive domestic spending measures. This signaled Democrats' determination to aggressively pursue President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar agenda.Schumer, D.N.Y., stated that...

Indonesia becomes Asia’s hotspot with 54,000 cases of virus infected

For the first time Wednesday, Indonesia reported more than 54,000 coronavirus cases. This is higher than recent Indian daily infections and has become Asia's new hotspot.Officials are concerned that the highly transmissible delta variant...

Why a Business Management MBA is the best option.

There are numerous benefits in studying a business MBA online. Besides the obvious fact that you can work at your own pace, you have the opportunity to gain experience that is necessary for later...

Trump appoints Biden as head of Social Security Agency

After the official refused resignation, President Joe Biden fired the Commissioner of Social Security. The White House announced that Biden accepted the resignation of the deputy commissioner.Biden requested that Andrew Saul, the commissioner, resign....

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Duncanville Boys Basketball Wins 6A-D1 State Championship

SAN ANTONIO - It was a night of triumph and glory for the Duncanville Panthers as they clinched the 6A-Division 2 state championship title...

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