
Develop creative thinking: children’s technoparks resume family master classes

Children's technoparks of Moscow resume informative family master classes. Children and teenagers aged from seven to 17 years, as well as their parents, brothers and sisters, and even grandparents can participate in them. Free...

Борьба с пандемией: предприниматели могут подать заявку на предоставление новой меры финансовой поддержки

Столичные предприниматели могут подать заявку на предоставление новой меры финансовой поддержки начиная с 1 сентября. Представители бизнеса получат разовую выплату в размере 15 тысяч рублей и дополнительную компенсацию в размере 6,5 тысячи рублей на...

Birds and animals in the natural territories of Moscow began to prepare for autumn

The inhabitants of the natural territories of the capital are gradually beginning to prepare for the cold weather. About the approach of autumn, they are prompted by a reduction in daylight hours and a...

Russian companies have signed the charter for the safety of children on the Internet

Russian Internet companies, media holdings and telecom operators have signed the charter for the safety of children on the Internet. The Charter provides for restricting access to harmful and illegal content for minors. The...

Власти чинят ремонтные препоны ...

Производители техники делают все возможное, чтобы пользователям приходилось чаще покупать у них новый товар, а не чинить старый. Так как законы десятилетиями защищали права корпораций, отремонтировать смартфон или холодильник без вмешательства производителя стало практически...

Partners of the Ruspass service have access to an open API

The partners of the Russpass service have gained access to an open API (the application programming interface). With it, they will be able to manage their tours, events and tickets, as well as automatically...

Black women see guns as protection against rising crime

Valerie Rupert raised one arm slightly, slightly shaking, as she pointed at the target on paper. It could be a burglar, a criminal, or even a serial rapist.Detroit grandmother, 67, pulled the trigger. The...

In the Moscow region, a major of justice who stole cars from the dead...

The city Court of Podolsk sentenced the former major of justice of the Moscow Central Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Svetlana Selyutina, who developed a scheme for stealing cars from the dead...

Развить креативное мышление: детские технопарки возобновляют семейные мастер-классы

Детские технопарки Москвы возобновляют познавательные семейные мастер-классы. В них могут участвовать дети и подростки в возрасте от семи до 17 лет, а также их родители, братья и сестры, и даже бабушки и дедушки. Бесплатные...

Fighting the pandemic: entrepreneurs can apply for a new measure of financial support

Moscow entrepreneurs can apply for a new measure of financial support starting from September 1. Business representatives will receive a one-time payment in the amount of 15 thousand rubles and additional compensation in the...

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Texas Senate Pushes for More Small Starter Homes in New Neighborhoods

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