
In the US, there are the first dead Baby in conjunction with the Coronavirus. In the U.S. state of Illinois is investigating the death of a small child to cheat, that was infected with...
Whether he brought it in this career so far? The formula 1 in the Corona-crisis-mode. Until mid-April, all the factories are closed, the first eight of the race is either postponed or cancelled altogether. A...
The winners of the leading Russian Opera prize Casta Diva was announced on the Day of the theatre for the first time celebrated with closed doors of theatres around the world. The jury summed up the results of the Opera in 2019 and called it the main event
Food and medicine for animals entered the Cabinet approved the list of commodities. Pets do not pose a threat to people in connection with the distribution of COVID-19, but it is important to observe the rules of hygiene after the walk, experts say
For ypres, The Belgian, Jan Yperman Hospital, will be the most surgical masks to australia. No less a person than Edouard Vermeulen (63) from the fashion house Natan, makes the 5,000 surgical masks, and delivering them on Monday to...

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