
All the news of Russia and the world from Muscovites were again urged to keep your distance
In Moscow was closed 14.9 thousand public catering enterprises and over 40 thousand stores. "In General, the mechanism of social distancing began to work", - summed up the first days the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and urged all to take care of yourself and stay home
All the news of Russia and the world from A citizen of Singapore for violation of the quarantine revoked passport
Almost three weeks after the abrupt end of the season the award was made at an Event, the live was shown in the case of Instagram, Youtube and Magenta sports. Originally, the annual Gala for the 14....
in the Middle of the Corona-crisis take place in Bavaria this Sunday 750 run-off elections. Completely new rules have been created! • In all municipalities, the election is a mere letter of choice. No...

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