
Five years of war in Yemen: will the Saudis to find a way out of the confrontation

Five years of war in Yemen: will the Saudis to find a way out...

The collapse of world oil prices severely hit the revenues of Saudi Arabia, as well as the recent military successes of the coalition opposing the Yemeni rebels have forced Riyadh to speed up the search for a diplomatic exit from the protracted war in the region
Winemakers may allow the use of imported seedlings

Winemakers may allow the use of imported seedlings

The state Duma has proposed to allow access to government support those winemakers who in the cultivation of raw materials using imported saplings. Now support it is possible to count only when working with domestic seedlings

After Megxit: Prince Harry and Meghan long Pause – glance treat yourself to

it's over. From 1. April Prince Harry (35) and Duchess Meghan (38) are not senior Royals more. On your Instagram Account, the two say goodbye. "Many thanks to this Community for the support,...
Players of "Barcelona" because of the pandemic, had volunteered to a 70% pay cut

Players of “Barcelona” because of the pandemic, had volunteered to a 70% pay cut

All the news of Russia and the world from Players of "Barcelona" because of the pandemic, had volunteered to a 70% pay cut
"RG" invites all on the online film festival "Double two"

“RG” invites all on the online film festival “Double two”

Eleventh festival "the Russian newspaper" "Double two" begins in the atmosphere is not festive. The pandemic is in the early stages there was a lot new for civilization the most difficult problems. However, the aid comes online
As for isolation, to keep love and strong nerves

As for isolation, to keep love and strong nerves

Self-isolation is a challenge. When the family is always at home, to quarrel in the neighborhood. How not to be afraid of bad news, coping with stress, fear of job loss? "RG" asked the psychologist Natalia Druzhinin

After the heart-Drama – Ex-coach at the beginning of care due to Corona father...

The native of Cologne Markus at the beginning of (45) has suffered lately some severe neck blows. The safe League-rise before his eyes, he was almost a year ago (27. April 2019)...
Foreigners are allowed to stay in Russia and urged to comply with the quarantine

Foreigners are allowed to stay in Russia and urged to comply with the quarantine

The police began to circulate among foreign nationals memo on how to behave in order to protect health and not to infect others. At the same time, the foreigners were reminded that they can prolong your stay in Russia
The rabbis in Israel, supported at the time of the epidemic, the closure of synagogues

The rabbis in Israel, supported at the time of the epidemic, the closure of...

On the night of March 31 in the conference call, the Israeli government approved new measures to contain the coronavirus. Now banned prayer meetings inside the synagogues. The rabbis urged citizens to abide by the instructions of the authorities
What are the laws for combating coronavirus has taken in Russia

What are the laws for combating coronavirus has taken in Russia

On Tuesday, the state Duma and the Federation Council quickly passed a package of laws aimed at the fulfillment of the President's initiatives to support citizens and the economy against the background of the spread of coronavirus. What has changed, says "RG"

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Duncanville Boys Basketball Wins 6A-D1 State Championship

SAN ANTONIO - It was a night of triumph and glory for the Duncanville Panthers as they clinched the 6A-Division 2 state championship title...

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