
"Someone is lying": the Belarusian fans rebelled against carelessness Lukashenko

“Someone is lying”: the Belarusian fans rebelled against carelessness Lukashenko

All the news of Russia and the world from "Someone is lying": the Belarusian fans rebelled against carelessness Lukashenko
The number of cases of coronavirus in Russia has increased by 440 people, seven died

The number of cases of coronavirus in Russia has increased by 440 people, seven...

All the news of Russia and the world from The number of cases of coronavirus in Russia has increased by 440 people, seven died
In Italy during the epidemic of the coronavirus mortality has increased several times. The official figures of the victims questioned

In Italy during the epidemic of the coronavirus mortality has increased several times. The...

All the news of Russia and the world from In Italy during the epidemic of the coronavirus mortality has increased several times. The official figures of the victims questioned

Corona: Beni Thurnheer learn in Silence – view

The Corona-tragedy hits all – especially the 1.6 million people over the age of 65 in Switzerland, you need to be particularly protected. Celebrities such as Beni Thurnheer (70) see also Positive in...
Zakharova: the evacuation of the Russians from the Philippines will go down in the history books

Zakharova: the evacuation of the Russians from the Philippines will go down in the...

Maria Zakharova said the successful completion of the epic in the removal of the Russians from the Philippines. In the conditions of state of emergency, imposed because of the coronavirus, moving around the country proved almost impossible. Diplomats gathered the Russians in complete confusion
Putin is not going to go into quarantine and self-isolation after contact with the ill doctor Protsenko

Putin is not going to go into quarantine and self-isolation after contact with the...

All the news of Russia and the world from Putin is not going to go into quarantine and self-isolation after contact with the ill doctor Protsenko
The Pentagon has received an SOS signal from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "Theodore Roosevelt" have more than 100 sailors coronavirus, evacuation needed

The Pentagon has received an SOS signal from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier “Theodore Roosevelt”...

All the news of Russia and the world from The Pentagon has received an SOS signal from the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "Theodore Roosevelt" have more than 100 sailors coronavirus, evacuation needed
IC was charged to the owner of the "Winter cherry"

IC was charged to the owner of the “Winter cherry”

The investigative Committee has indicted the owner of "Winter cherry". According to investigators, in 2013-2014 he gave a bribe of 7 million rubles, which allowed the entrepreneur to make the reconstruction of the shopping center without a building permit
The stewardess from the heading, conquered the former head of Rosneft, asked Youtube to block the investigation into his mansion and business

The stewardess from the heading, conquered the former head of Rosneft, asked Youtube to...

All the news of Russia and the world from The stewardess from the heading, conquered the former head of Rosneft, asked Youtube to block the investigation into his mansion and business
UN chief: the world is facing the "greatest challenge" since the second world

UN chief: the world is facing the “greatest challenge” since the second world

UN chief Antonio Guterres called the coronavirus pandemic crisis goes beyond the health sector. "This is a human crisis. Coronavirus the disease affects society in its essence," said Mr. Guterres

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