The inhabitant of Ufa, released pit a car, was fined 15 thousand rubles for...
All the news of Russia and the world from The inhabitant of Ufa, released pit a car, was fined 15 thousand rubles for violation of isolation
The President of the Philippines allowed the police to fire on violators of the...
All the news of Russia and the world from The President of the Philippines allowed the police to fire on violators of the quarantine
Police inspection Neubrandenburg: break-in at a ground floor apartment in Neubrandenburg and Stavenhagen
According to the current knowledge of unknown perpetrators are, as yet, during the absence of the apartment's owner illegally on the balcony and have opened a balcony window violently. Subsequently, the offender...
How to reduce the risk of Contracting coronavirus while leaving the apartment
The CPS explained how to reduce the risk of infection of the coronavirus while leaving the apartment. In particular, should wear gloves and take antiseptics for the treatment of hands. In addition, the Department has reminded regular treatment of entrances management companies
SK was charged with the two generals and the Ministry of internal Affairs investigator
Russia's investigative Committee was charged with abuse of authority of the two generals and the investigator of the interior Ministry. To them threatens till 10 years of imprisonment
In Tajikistan, despite the pandemic starts football championship
All the news of Russia and the world from In Tajikistan, despite the pandemic starts football championship
Americans in China “repurchased our masks,” complained French officials
All the news of Russia and the world from Americans in China "repurchased our masks," complained French officials
Hohnstein: Coronavirus in the home for Elderly people: Ten people infected
Since Wednesday, a senior home in Hohnstein (in the district of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge) is under quarantine. Ten of the 48 residents were positive in the Coronavirus tested, informed the district office in...
The dollar in early trading fell below 77 rubles
The ruble in early trading was strengthened, from the data of the Moscow exchange. The dollar at the low fell to 76,97 of the ruble, the Euro became cheaper to 83.24 ruble. Indexes of RTS and Mosberg rooted within 1 percent
The participants of the online trading market complained about the arbitrariness of the regional...
All the news of Russia and the world from The participants of the online trading market complained about the arbitrariness of the regional authorities