
The Polish authorities cancelled the visit on the anniversary of the disaster Tu-154 due to coronavirus

The Polish authorities cancelled the visit on the anniversary of the disaster Tu-154 due...

The Polish government refused to visit Smolensk and Katyn on the 10th anniversary of the crash of the Polish presidential plane. Unofficially it is known that the reason - the outbreak of the coronavirus in Vitebsk, where the poles were planning on transferring from plane to bus

Police Directorate of the Main-Taunus – police headquarters West of Hesse: press release of...

Flörsheim am Main, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer, Saturday, 04.04.2020, 03:20 PM At the Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer in Flörsheim am Main is a rose is a previously unknown man in the night to 04.04.2020 against 03:20...
Learning at home: 10 important tips to the teacher

Learning at home: 10 important tips to the teacher

How to keep the attention of the student at the screen, what the teacher avatar colourful and when to take a break during the online lesson, said the Director of the school, candidate of political Sciences Maria Kaluga
"Close the temples will plunge people into the abyss of depression": the don parishioners will be given special permits

“Close the temples will plunge people into the abyss of depression”: the don parishioners...

All the news of Russia and the world from "Close the temples will plunge people into the abyss of depression": the don parishioners will be given special permits
Moscow is technically ready to enter the smart control mode isolation

Moscow is technically ready to enter the smart control mode isolation

Technical infrastructure of the capital is ready to launch a smart system of monitoring compliance with the rules of self-isolation. But, as stated in the government of Moscow, at the moment its implementation is not required
Russian virologist in Bergamo: Italy showed an example of how "don't" in Russia the Italian scenario for COVID-19 it is unlikely, but all depends on the people

Russian virologist in Bergamo: Italy showed an example of how “don’t” in Russia the...

All the news of Russia and the world from Russian virologist in Bergamo: Italy showed an example of how "don't" in Russia the Italian scenario for COVID-19 it is unlikely, but all depends on the people
Looked like #etisalate the times of Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Chekhov

Looked like #etisalate the times of Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Chekhov

In the top of the social networking now the tag #etisalate. The creators of the public recognize that fun is not new. Here is how the paintings and sculptures was used for entertainment in the time of Pushkin, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov
A fragment of a unique performance about Edith Piaf can be viewed online

A fragment of a unique performance about Edith Piaf can be viewed online

The dolls also go to quarantine and begin to explore the virtual space. On the website of the Union of theatrical figures of the Russian Federation is now possible to see a fragment of a unique puppet show about Edith Piaf and listen to a story about "the Silence"

Halle (Saale): What is allowed, what is forbidden?: Questions and answers about the Corona...

Therefore, an unauthorized visit to the old people's home or hospital costs 250 Euro. Even in the case of children, visiting a Playground is provided for a fine of 100 euros. All...
Rospotrebnadzor reminded how to eat in terms of isolation

Rospotrebnadzor reminded how to eat in terms of isolation

In connection with home isolation people spend a lot of time at home, and fresh food become less available than usual. About how to build the diet, said in Rospotrebnadzor

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