
Golikova called the countries from which coronavirus was brought to Russia

Golikova called the countries from which coronavirus was brought to Russia

Coronavirus would be imported to the territory of Russia from 73 countries, primarily from Italy, Spain, France and the United Arab Emirates. This was announced today by Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova
"His not throw": Golikova said that the Russians will continue to export from abroad after a two-day "timeout"

“His not throw”: Golikova said that the Russians will continue to export from abroad...

All the news of Russia and the world from "His not throw": Golikova said that the Russians will continue to export from abroad after a two-day "timeout"
The Cabinet will provide financial assistance waiting for departure in the Russian Federation the compatriots

The Cabinet will provide financial assistance waiting for departure in the Russian Federation the...

Russians who are still abroad and cannot fly home, you can count on the assistance of the government of the Russian Federation. For this they need to specify the necessary data on the government Services website
Pyotr Biryukov about the work of urban farming in extreme conditions

Pyotr Biryukov about the work of urban farming in extreme conditions

Even in the current difficult situation, all the life support systems of Moscow continue to function as a clock. About how during high alert, the city has retained a high level of comfort, "RG" said Deputy mayor for housing Pyotr Biryukov
Emin told about the premiere and his first concert in the Internet

Emin told about the premiere and his first concert in the Internet

Popular singer Emin told the Explorer, "RG" on their duets, the first concert on the Internet and how the current situation has influenced modern pop music
The tile budget will not crack: at the quarantine week, the mayor's office announced a 5 billion dollar tenders for improvement

The tile budget will not crack: at the quarantine week, the mayor’s office announced...

All the news of Russia and the world from The tile budget will not crack: at the quarantine week, the mayor's office announced a 5 billion dollar tenders for improvement

Düsseldorf/Duisburg: much less break-ins and accidental deaths in the Corona-crisis

In the Corona-crisis, NRW far, the burglary figures and the number of fatalities significantly decreased. The Ministry of the interior and the police informed, on request. Previously had already reported several media....
How to carry out the isolation of the actors and Directors

How to carry out the isolation of the actors and Directors

Theatres are closed, the shooting stopped, but without Prime will not stay. Auditions, screen tests, rehearsals moved online. In the breaks - you can do the country. "RG" learned how to live in the mode of isolation of the actors and Directors
Railways from April 7 to 53 cancels long distance trains and reduces movement 37 trains (LIST)

Railways from April 7 to 53 cancels long distance trains and reduces movement 37...

All the news of Russia and the world from Railways from April 7 to 53 cancels long distance trains and reduces movement 37 trains (LIST)
Experts suggest to unload the prison

Experts suggest to unload the prison

Lawyers, social activists and entrepreneurs assessed the global trend of the release of prisoners from prison due to pandemic coronavirus. According to them, the colonies are not only dangerous criminals but also persons convicted of crimes of negligence

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