
Reduce the cost of exploration will lead to the reduction of oil production

Reduce the cost of exploration will lead to the reduction of oil production

In 2019 for geological exploration in Russia has been allocated 25.5 billion roubles, and in 2020 - 29.2 billion, the best growth stocks of the resource base, according to experts, it is necessary to increase state financing of geological exploration at least twice
In Moscow, the observance of a distance of 1.5 meters in stores and other places that work in the quarantine became mandatory. For violation - fines

In Moscow, the observance of a distance of 1.5 meters in stores and other...

All the news of Russia and the world from In Moscow, the observance of a distance of 1.5 meters in stores and other places that work in the quarantine became mandatory. For violation - fines
On the seventh day. Caution: fakes and other nonsense

On the seventh day. Caution: fakes and other nonsense

Lecturer at Moscow state pedagogical University and a member of the jury of the competition of Pushkin Irina mursak continues to journal "Russian literature is not afraid of the coronavirus". The topic of the next lesson was to work with sources in the era of digitization
Moscow will strengthen control over observance of the regime of isolation of the entrepreneurs

Moscow will strengthen control over observance of the regime of isolation of the entrepreneurs

Sergei Sobyanin recalled that the enterprises and organizations in respect of which has not been set a ban on their citizens visiting will have to adjust his work. "As soon as the danger disappears, these measures will be abolished," said the mayor
Died in Moscow two patients with the coronavirus

Died in Moscow two patients with the coronavirus

All the news of Russia and the world from Died in Moscow two patients with the coronavirus
Sobyanin ordered the enterprises and institutions of the city to take action against the spread of the virus

Sobyanin ordered the enterprises and institutions of the city to take action against the...

The mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin reminded the public about the amendments to the RF Code of administrative offences, which establishes liability for violation of the regime of high alert
Konstantin Kotova secret from the lawyers was transferred from Vladimir prison to a Moscow detention center

Konstantin Kotova secret from the lawyers was transferred from Vladimir prison to a Moscow...

All the news of Russia and the world from Konstantin Kotova secret from the lawyers was transferred from Vladimir prison to a Moscow detention center
The Bank of Russia explained the procedure of interest accrual in the period of vacation credit

The Bank of Russia explained the procedure of interest accrual in the period of...

Deferral of payments under the new law is not free: during the grace period continue to accrue interest, which increases the amount owed. To use this mechanism should only in extreme case
In Moscow, police detained a man walking his dog in closed Patriarchal ponds (VIDEO)

In Moscow, police detained a man walking his dog in closed Patriarchal ponds (VIDEO)

All the news of Russia and the world from In Moscow, police detained a man walking his dog in closed Patriarchal ponds (VIDEO)

Dresden/Dohna: Saxon farmers can expect to harvest in April

The Saxon farmer Association (SLB) and the national Association of Saxon fruit have praised the compromise on the admission of Harvest workers. "We are pleased that we have achieved a solution," said...

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