Beverage company Léberg Sources for bad papers. The staff has already received a three-month,...
Roosdaal, Water, and frisdrankenproducent Léberg Resources from Roosdaal is a bad paper. The staff has received in the last three months no wages, and the production is stopped. At present, the company has also...
What books will help keep children occupied at the time of isolation
To postpone the withdrawal later will not work, but with the help of a good children's book to overcome the annoyance and get a little breathing room. "RG" has compiled a list of 10 books that parents should pay attention
In Russia per day has been added 771 case COVID-19 to 29 regions
In Russia recorded a 771 new cases COVID-19. This is the largest number during the spread of coronavirus infection in the country. In Moscow - 595 cases, in the suburbs - 43, in St. Petersburg - 22
The crew of the USS “Theodore Roosevelt” evacuated due to coronavirus
The aircraft carrier "Theodore Roosevelt" is no longer a full-fledged combat unit of the American Navy. Because of the coronavirus, the Pentagon decided to evacuate almost all of his crew
Habib announced the cancellation of the fight with Tony Ferguson, the battle breaks down...
All the news of Russia and the world from Habib announced the cancellation of the fight with Tony Ferguson, the battle breaks down for the fifth time
The Ministry of construction has named the most comfortable Russian city
By the end of 2019, the share of cities with favorable environment has increased to 26.9 per cent. Among the largest cities in a comfortable climate leader left Moscow, followed by Saint Petersburg and Kazan
The CPS advised not to stock up on products for the fashion industry, and...
All the news of Russia and the world from The CPS advised not to stock up on products for the fashion industry, and carefully choose the products
The RRF Board will consider calls for the resignation Drachev at the meeting on...
An open letter was sent by the veterans and coaches of biathlon with a call to the head of the RBU Vladimir Dracheva to leave his post. Olympic champion Anna Bogaliy'm sure the authors of the letter chose the wrong time and the wrong form for the solution of problems in biathlon
A Wolf spotted in the Kempen area: the first wolf ever to be the...
Herenthout is The wolf, which in the past few days in the netherlands, it is gesignaleerdheeft a piece of history. He is the first wolf in the history of the albert canal, cross the...
Coronavirus called “the last straw” for the future of the EU
If the European community doesn't show solidarity and unity in the fight against coronavirus, the pandemic will be more severe than crises related to Brexit and migration. This was stated by the leaders of the countries-EU members, politicians and experts