
Halle (Saale): city policy in Corona times: the city Council will be meeting again...

The Free voters not have their own group, in the Halle city Council form, with only two councils. If mayor Bernd Wiegand (independent) voted with the group's Chairman, with he gets nothing....
In Moscow doctors would protect against coronavirus medicine against malaria

In Moscow doctors would protect against coronavirus medicine against malaria

Doctors of the Moscow clinics, which treat patients COVID‑19 got the opportunity of additional medical protection. They can take part in the study of malaria drugs as a preventive measure against coronavirus
Russian experts shoulder to shoulder with the Serbs are fighting COVID-19

Russian experts shoulder to shoulder with the Serbs are fighting COVID-19

Russian experts actively help Serbia in the fight against COVID-19. Russia hopes that this support will prevent the development of Italian and Spanish scenarios in the country
Putin said about the readiness to cut oil production along with OPEC+ and the USA

Putin said about the readiness to cut oil production along with OPEC+ and the...

Russia is ready to join efforts with other countries to cut oil production about 10 million barrels a day, said Vladimir Putin. "Of course, all of this should occur in a partner," the President added
From 6 April, Russian Railways cancels trains to Kaliningrad through Lithuania and Belarus

From 6 April, Russian Railways cancels trains to Kaliningrad through Lithuania and Belarus

All the news of Russia and the world from From 6 April, Russian Railways cancels trains to Kaliningrad through Lithuania and Belarus

Halberstadt: uprising in the quarantine: refugees in the Zast complain about a lack of...

The authorities had acted within hours. None swell more in, nobody out. As a former resident of Cameroon was positive to the new Virus is tested for more infections in the facility...
As overseas Russians to return home

As overseas Russians to return home

Remaining abroad, Russians are told how they will be able to return home. For this you need to tell us about yourself via the website services. Meanwhile, the Cabinet has allocated 500 million roubles to the aid of Russians stranded abroad
"RG" publishes the law on the withdrawal of business from-under criminal article about OPG

“RG” publishes the law on the withdrawal of business from-under criminal article about OPG

"RG" publishes the law on the restriction of use to the business of article 210 of the Criminal code for organizing a criminal community. She was considered one of the most severe deprivation of liberty for a term up to 20 years and a fine of up to five million rubles
Historian-dismantler Sokolov was transferred from Moscow to St. Petersburg prison "Crosses"

Historian-dismantler Sokolov was transferred from Moscow to St. Petersburg prison “Crosses”

All the news of Russia and the world from Historian-dismantler Sokolov was transferred from Moscow to St. Petersburg prison "Crosses"
Students remotely will resume school on April 6

Students remotely will resume school on April 6

From 6 April students remotely to resume studies. Exams are not canceled. In addition, as emphasized in the Ministry of education, EN masse, to leave the students in the second year, no one will

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North Texas school transitions to 4-day week: What to expect

Treetops School International, a charter school in Euless, made a groundbreaking announcement this week that is sure to shake up the traditional school week...

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