Three priests in Moscow found the coronavirus and two more on suspicion
All the news of Russia and the world from Three priests in Moscow found the coronavirus and two more on suspicion
In the new York zoo marked the first known case in the world of...
All the news of Russia and the world from In the new York zoo marked the first known case in the world of the coronavirus at the tiger, it could infect people
First coronahuwelijk’, in De Haan: We have looked at here, is so hard to...
The Cock, in Between all of the coronamiserie by was beautiful, and the good news is to pick up The Dog. There, stepped out, Hannah Frey (27) and Nico Dejaegere (29) tied the knot....
Why do pharmacies still no masks
Pharmacies medical masks as it was not, and is not, and if they are imported in small quantities, it sold out quickly. Correspondent "RG" has decided to find out why there is a deficit
Coronavirus: Laetitia Guarino stricter measures to wishes – view
you've been sitting a lot longer at home than many of us: Ex-Miss Switzerland Laetitia Guarino (27) injured in January while skiing, at 6. March was operated by the trained Doctor, finally, in...
What not to miss on TV and online during the week from 6 to...
During the isolation channels are trying to make their programming as fun, saturating it with new TV shows and movies. What to watch on TV, read the review "RG"
The CPS announced the start of the test at home
The centre for molecular diagnostics of the CPS begins mass screening everyone who wants to check the presence of the virus COVID-19. The procedure of sampling of biological material occurs at home is almost non-contact way
In Moscow and the Moscow region has launched a paid testing for coronavirus at...
All the news of Russia and the world from In Moscow and the Moscow region has launched a paid testing for coronavirus at home and without a doctor's prescription
The Prime Minister of Britain was hospitalized after a 10-day isolation because of the...
All the news of Russia and the world from The Prime Minister of Britain was hospitalized after a 10-day isolation because of the nagging symptoms of coronavirus
The dialogue from the new series “Masyanya” about the isolation broke in “out” and...
All the news of Russia and the world from The dialogue from the new series "Masyanya" about the isolation broke in "out" and fled into quotes (VIDEO)