Vacation credit for coronavirus will be able to narrow the range of borrowers approved...
All the news of Russia and the world from Vacation credit for coronavirus will be able to narrow the range of borrowers approved of the maximum amount of loans
Mishustin has criticized the heads of regions, overlapping the border of coronavirus
All the news of Russia and the world from Mishustin has criticized the heads of regions, overlapping the border of coronavirus
Fires in the Chernobyl exclusion zone: the radiation background has increased by a factor...
All the news of Russia and the world from Fires in the Chernobyl exclusion zone: the radiation background has increased by a factor of 16.5 times (VIDEO)
For the first time, will be released bestseller Accatino about the brilliant artists
Italian journalist Alfredo Accatino back life and dignity to those who lost them forever. He recreated the life stories of 36 brilliant artists from 25 countries, which I won't write in the textbooks on the art
In the world there are only 16 countries without a coronavirus
Worldwide, the rapidly growing number of those infected with the coronavirus, only for the last days of world statistics added 13 860 new cases. However, the world still left, untouched by the pandemic. Details - in the material "RG"
Till Lindemann provoked with rape-poem view
again Till Lindemann (57) makes headlines. Recently, there was speculation that the Rammstein singer was infected with the Coronavirus, and the hospital is located. Shortly thereafter, he reported himself to the word and...
Vyacheslav Murugov advised what movies to watch in isolation
General Director of "STS Media" Vyacheslav Murugov has made its list of the 10 movies that you can watch during the isolation. "I think now with all the necessary life-affirming and uplifting stories," - he commented his choice
Why did Lenin in his last speech, spoke of the far Eastern Republic
Before "defeated the chieftains dispersed to the Governor and the Pacific their campaign ended", there existed a kind of mysterious far Eastern Republic. About it tells the journalist Vladimir Mamontov
What are the products EU citizens buy on the quarantine
The epidemic of coronavirus forced the inhabitants of Italy, France and the UK to drastically change their consumption habits significantly increase the cost of food. Over the past month, sales of products have soared by tens of percent
The consequences of a pandemic coronavirus can destroy the championship “Formula 1”
All the news of Russia and the world from The consequences of a pandemic coronavirus can destroy the championship "Formula 1"