Bike rental in Moscow will be free for participants and volunteers
In Moscow three weeks earlier opens a new season on the bike. From 10 April till the end of the month he will be free, but the first time rental will be used only by couriers, and volunteers
Businessman Prigogine has filed a lawsuit against Love Sable and the channel “Tsargrad”
All the news of Russia and the world from Businessman Prigogine has filed a lawsuit against Love Sable and the channel "Tsargrad"
In the USA the death toll from coronavirus has exceeded 10.5 thousand. In new...
All the news of Russia and the world from In the USA the death toll from coronavirus has exceeded 10.5 thousand. In new York will prepare a temporary mass grave - at the 10 coffins in a row
Jessen: Corona-quarantine in Jessen cancelled: No new infections
has been cancelled due to a Corona outbreak, has imposed a quarantine on two suburbs of the small town of Jessen on Monday. The measures for Jessen and Schweinitz sailed at 20.00....
Named the date of the premiere of the series “zulaikha opens his eyes”
The series premiere of "zulaikha opens his eyes," will be held on the channel "Russia-1" on 13 April at 21.00. The film is based on the novel by Guzel Agenoy, gained worldwide fame
Rostock/Neubrandenburg: MV-ban: More than 4000 cars in a controlled
informed the police headquarters in Rostock and Neubrandenburg on Monday, were reviewed over the past weekend across the country, a total of 4347 vehicles. The inspections focused, apparently, on the country's East,...
Because Coronavirus: Jasmin Tawil is back in Germany – the view
Domestic violence, homelessness and depression – Jasmin Tawil (37) had a life since their emigration five years ago, not a simple. Nevertheless, the Ex-"GZSZ"-actress wanted to return to Germany. Yesterday, they landed in...
The police of Mettmann: use for disturbing the peace: police drags drunk driver off...
in Addition, the officers found in the car drug and reported several violations of the Corona protection regulation to the Monheimer order office. This happened: at 17:20 p.m....
These are the 10 best animated films of all time – view
animation films conjure up Small and Big a Smile on your face. These are 10 classic must-haves for cozy movies in the evening. 1. Ariel, the mermaid Already in the year...
Boyfriend arrested in murder of Nancy Melaer (25): the autopsy must be Monday to...
Zonhoven, The onderzoekrechter the casino has a Race of V. now it is also officially used in the investigation of the murder of a 25-year-old girlfriend, Naomi, Melaer. Monday, it will do an autopsy...