Kadyrov responded to criticisms mishustina to close the borders regions
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Kadyrov responded to criticisms mishustina to close the borders regions
The European Union sees no problems in maintaining sanctions against Russia in the conditions...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The European Union sees no problems in maintaining sanctions against Russia in the conditions of a pandemic
Kulmbach: Kulmbach forest owners resort despite the crisis, to the chain saw
Who was out for a walk in the past few days in the nature, the might have noticed how many forest owners are out there. You saws, delimbing and loading the stuff....
Cosmonaut Sergei Prokopiev: Isolation will learn to understand each other
Cosmonaut Sergey Prokopiev told "RG" as in the conditions of isolation do not become sad and experience a long separation from loved ones. And he knows what he's talking about: his space flight lasted for more than 196 days
The Prosecutor General’s office revealed in the fakes about the coronavirus
The Prosecutor General's office has sent another requirement in Roskomnadzor about blocking in a Network of fake news about the coronavirus. False information was discovered in the five regions
Dmitry Narinsky: the Concept of “dwelling house” should fall into Oblivion
Prolonged quarantine will be consequences neither for the economy nor the population nor for cities. Vice-President of the Union of architects of Russia Dmitry Narinsky said in an interview with "RG" on how we work and where we live, when the pandemic will end
Why volunteers do not buy the products of their wards
Volunteers do not go "to work" without masks and gloves. They have other rules. For example, buy products, vegetables and fruits only in stores. The correspondent "RG" went with them to the addresses
SK will investigate the case that caused the arrest of two generals of the...
Russia's investigative Committee will investigate a criminal case, which caused the arrest of two generals of the investigative Department of the MIA of the Russian Federation. We are talking about become a controversial criminal case of the owner of the company "Optima development" Alberta Hudojka
The government has restricted the amount of loans to defer payments
The government has restricted the amount of loans to defer payments under the new law. Mortgage - 1.5 million rubles, the loan in 600 thousand. In some cases, citizens may submit an appeal for "credit holidays" - read in the material "RG"
British MPs have condemned China and Russia for misinformation about the coronavirus
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. British MPs have condemned China and Russia for misinformation about the coronavirus