
Chemnitz/Dresden/Freiberg/Leipzig: the beginning of the semester of the many demands accompanied

At the universities in Saxony, began on Monday the summer semester. The courses will take place due to the Corona-crisis exclusively online. "A presence in the classroom is at least up to...

Queen Elizabeth II touched with her speech, the whole world – view

Queen Elizabeth II (93), applied on Sunday evening in a historic TV speech to the British people. Historically, because of this up to now, only four Times happened. Earlier, had Elizabeth II in...
American scholars translated oscillations of proteins in SARS-CoV-2 to sound - it has soothing melody of coronavirus

American scholars translated oscillations of proteins in SARS-CoV-2 to sound – it has soothing...

All the news of Russia and the world from American scholars translated oscillations of proteins in SARS-CoV-2 to sound - it has soothing melody of coronavirus

Lutherstadt Eisleben: Surprise succeeded: for the protection of children Federal Mansfeld-Südharz plays the Easter...

Big eyes made in the morning, for example, Leon Finke in Eisleben. The nine-year-old and his three siblings were very happy when they saw who had rang the bell with them. ...
Online lessons has brought problems not only for children but also for adults

Online lessons has brought problems not only for children but also for adults

The newspaper with children have tested the school's new digital lessons. And got different results. In one case, everything went almost without problems. In the other - the path to knowledge turned out to be thorny
The Federal penitentiary service confirmed the detection of coronavirus employee Ryazan colony, where sits the ex-Governor Nikita Belykh

The Federal penitentiary service confirmed the detection of coronavirus employee Ryazan colony, where sits...

All the news of Russia and the world from The Federal penitentiary service confirmed the detection of coronavirus employee Ryazan colony, where sits the ex-Governor Nikita Belykh
In Slovakia, the ex-military was given 23 years in prison for the notorious murder of journalist

In Slovakia, the ex-military was given 23 years in prison for the notorious murder...

All the news of Russia and the world from In Slovakia, the ex-military was given 23 years in prison for the notorious murder of journalist
How may strengthen the ruble in the near future

How may strengthen the ruble in the near future

The ruble may be of interest to investors if the OPEC countries+ expanded group will be able to negotiate the reduction of oil production. Factor in the support of the Russian currency promises to be a fall in demand for foreign goods and travel

SRF-Ombudsman complaint of Sex-the scene of the crime answered, look

The "crime scene"-a result of 22. March was not received well. The many Sex scenes, and the depicted violence against women in the Swabian-Alemannic Carnival in the black forest, on joined many viewers...
How many hours a day students studying on distance

How many hours a day students studying on distance

Three-quarters of schoolchildren in Russia and the CIS countries are paying for remote studies up to five hours a day. The rest of the time they spend in social networks and play games. These are the results of a survey of children, conducted in several countries around the world

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Police report: McKinney K9 and suspect killed in shooting

McKinney Police K9 and Suspect Fatally Shot in Tragic IncidentTragedy struck in McKinney, Texas, as a McKinney Police K9 and a shooting suspect lost...

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