
A day in Russia confirmed 1154 case COVID-19 in 43 regions

A day in Russia confirmed 1154 case COVID-19 in 43 regions

For the last day in 43 Russian regions 1154 of the new confirmed cases of infection with coronavirus infection, of which 697 occurred in Moscow. Just today reported 7497 cases in 81 region of the country
A house in Orekhovo-Zuyevo reinstated after gas explosion

A house in Orekhovo-Zuyevo reinstated after gas explosion

Emergency five-storey building in Orekhovo-Zuyevo will recover fully along with struck the door. The stability of the building allows, said the authorities of the Moscow region. The repair will take about six months
Media: Hope Babkin entered into an artificial coma, she suspected the mutated coronavirus

Media: Hope Babkin entered into an artificial coma, she suspected the mutated coronavirus

All the news of Russia and the world from Media: Hope Babkin entered into an artificial coma, she suspected the mutated coronavirus
The U.S. justice Department released a report on the purchase of the votes of FIFA members in favor of Russia

The U.S. justice Department released a report on the purchase of the votes of...

All the news of Russia and the world from The U.S. justice Department released a report on the purchase of the votes of FIFA members in favor of Russia
The Russian Embassy in the United States and are unable to recruit passengers for a single export flight and asked the Russians to live among compatriots

The Russian Embassy in the United States and are unable to recruit passengers for...

All the news of Russia and the world from The Russian Embassy in the United States and are unable to recruit passengers for a single export flight and asked the Russians to live among compatriots
In Britain turned up the instigators of the cell towers believed that the coronavirus is spreading through the network 5G (VIDEO)

In Britain turned up the instigators of the cell towers believed that the coronavirus...

All the news of Russia and the world from In Britain turned up the instigators of the cell towers believed that the coronavirus is spreading through the network 5G (VIDEO)
How to conduct the self-isolation Sokurov, Ustinov and Shifrin

How to conduct the self-isolation Sokurov, Ustinov and Shifrin

Alexander Sokurov is working on exhibition "Rembrandt - the return of the prodigal son" for the Hermitage. Efim Shifrin reading poetry for online audience. And Tatiana Ustinova, writing a novel, which urgently needs to end
The court fined the Jesus Vorobyov, who was detained at Patriarch's ponds with the dog

The court fined the Jesus Vorobyov, who was detained at Patriarch’s ponds with the...

All the news of Russia and the world from The court fined the Jesus Vorobyov, who was detained at Patriarch's ponds with the dog
In China for the first time since the beginning of the year no new deaths from coronavirus during the day

In China for the first time since the beginning of the year no new...

All the news of Russia and the world from In China for the first time since the beginning of the year no new deaths from coronavirus during the day

Aaron van Camp, the Waas launched paaskamp for example-one for your side: Parents are...

Kortrijk Avonturencentrum Avanco is in Aalbeke is a good coronacrisis. Nevertheless, it is a eulogy for Aaron Vanneste (31), brilliant in the Camp, Waas, and not be silent. He has launched and now together...

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