
MOE has posted recommendations for the prevention of coronavirus

MOE has posted recommendations for the prevention of coronavirus

How to prepare antiseptic in the home and why vodka for these purposes is not suitable? Like right after a walk to wash hands and what to do with clothes and shoes? To these and other questions answered in EMERCOM of Russia

Andreas Gabalier takes being Single during Corona left view

Actually want to drag Andreas Gabalier (35) for more than half a year back, and new projects. His big Comeback is on December 31. July to take place in Bern at the time...
The who does not recommend to wear masks healthy people

The who does not recommend to wear masks healthy people

To wear medical masks for protection during a pandemic should be only to doctors and people with signs of flu, said the who. The organization noted that due to excess use of masks by the population that remedies are not enough doctors
Crimean scientist called regions threatened by fires in Chernobyl

Crimean scientist called regions threatened by fires in Chernobyl

Blazing near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant natural fires are unlikely to carry radioactive ash to the Crimean Peninsula, said Professor of General and physical chemistry of Kazan Federal University. Should be on the lookout neighbouring areas of Ukraine and Belarus
Spain has canceled a military parade in may

Spain has canceled a military parade in may

The Spanish authorities refused to hold the traditional military parade on the occasion of Armed forces Day, which is celebrated on may 30. This year it was held in Huesca, in the presence of the king and Queen
The Cabinet proposed to give citizenship without abandoning existing

The Cabinet proposed to give citizenship without abandoning existing

The government introduced a bill, the adoption of which foreigners can obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation without a waiver. In the initiative there are other innovations that make it easier
The Bank of Russia announced new schemes of plunder of money from the card

The Bank of Russia announced new schemes of plunder of money from the card

The Bank of Russia fixes a new fraudulent scheme to steal money from Bank accounts using social engineering. The attackers promise deferred credits compensation and benefits, as well as a refund for the tickets
Controversial runner caster Semenya has surpassed Ronaldo in his athletic challenge

Controversial runner caster Semenya has surpassed Ronaldo in his athletic challenge

All the news of Russia and the world from Controversial runner caster Semenya has surpassed Ronaldo in his athletic challenge
In Russia, 1154 new case of coronavirus, a day died 11 people

In Russia, 1154 new case of coronavirus, a day died 11 people

All the news of Russia and the world from In Russia, 1154 new case of coronavirus, a day died 11 people

Berlin: Corona-crisis: Association of cities calls for local rescue

"The Corona pandemic leads in all the towns and cities to major financial burdens: the revenue collapsing, expenditure is set to rise," said the President of the German Association of cities, Burkhard...

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