Mail carrier, Isabel (47) and is recovering: a big Thank you for all the...
Kortrijk is a Postman and Isabel are The Truth (47) from the Marke, is fighting for eleven days. COVID-19 at the AZ Groeninge hospital in Kortrijk, belgium. She told me last week that...
Bundespolizeidirektion Bad Bramstedt: High fines in case of evasion of border controls
(Stand: 24. March 2020: iste-grenzuebergangsstellen.html) The Federal police has, in this context, then, that Exceeding the limit is only permitted in the designated and approved border crossing points, which...
Why not cancel the exam in Russia
On the background of the pandemic coronavirus and the extension of the regime of self-isolation until the end of April, increasingly there are proposals to cancel the exam for students. How this scenario is real and why not to cancel the Unified state exam - versed "RG"
What would happen to the Japanese in times of emergency mode due to coronavirus
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced the introduction of emergency in seven regions of the country. The new measures will come into force on 8 April and will be in effect during the month. They do not imply the freezing of cities and territories
The CEC did not discuss the issue of moving a Single day of voting
The Central election Commission have not yet discussed the issue of moving a Single day of voting in connection with the pandemic coronavirus. But even in the case of negative developments of paralysis in the regions will not happen, said the Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina
Marat Safin became the winner of the virtual Open championship of the USA on...
All the news of Russia and the world from Marat Safin became the winner of the virtual Open championship of the USA on tennis
Russian banks since April 8, will give small businesses interest-free loans to salary
All the news of Russia and the world from Russian banks since April 8, will give small businesses interest-free loans to salary
Muscovites demanded to send the “tile” billions to support citizens and small business: no...
All the news of Russia and the world from Muscovites demanded to send the "tile" billions to support citizens and small business: no new borders you can do
The high court of Australia will release from-under guards of the cardinal, who was...
All the news of Russia and the world from The high court of Australia will release from-under guards of the cardinal, who was convicted last year for pedophilia
Dessau-Roßlau: best selling in the crisis: cousin furniture protection is a mobile infection successfully
The sales counters and consultation desks established construction intended to protect the staff and the clientele before direct Transmission of the Coronavirus. But not only in the pharmacies of the infection protection...