Almost 30% of companies in Russia forced the workers to go on unpaid leave
All the news of Russia and the world from Almost 30% of companies in Russia forced the workers to go on unpaid leave
The head of the FMBA Veronika Skvortsova said that before the peak of the...
All the news of Russia and the world from The head of the FMBA Veronika Skvortsova said that before the peak of the epidemic COVID-19 in Russia there 10-14 days
What is the lesson taught to us by the writer Oleg Kuvayev
Oleg Kuvayev left too early, but managed to say the main thing. "Only if you're not trembling over their own well-being, you can get a man to humanity," said the writer. "RG" recalls the author of "Territory," the day of the 45th anniversary from the date of his death
The doctor of Russian national team on football has told us how not to...
The doctor of Russian national team on football Eduard Bezuglov gave an interview to "RG-Week". In it he, in particular, spoke about how the ordinary people to keep themselves in shape in conditions of isolation, and also expressed his opinion on the pandemic coronavirus
As was ripped separate negotiations with Nazi Germany allies
Joseph Stalin on 7 April 1945, wrote a letter to the President of the United States to protest against secret negotiations of the allies with the Nazis about a separate peace and stop their plans. Read more about it read in a material Nikolay Dolgopolov
Flexible guidance in the physician practice as a result of the video consultation!
Since the 01. April will be integrated into the projects in the everyday practice. "Our employees have tested it first and had no problems with it." Twelve patients were advised on the...
Beelitz: beelitz asparagus season officially started
The asparagus farmers pierce, however, already since the days with the nice weather, good growing king of vegetables. Her first public appearance of the new asparagus Queen Gina had-Luise Schrey. The 20-Year-old...
Hannover: Coronavirus epidemic, old-age homes are having a hard time
in Spite of a further decline in infection with the Corona-epidemic numbers in lower Saxony, charged, increasingly, the homes for the elderly. After 22 death Burger home as well as dozens of...
Meghan and Harry’s new company is called arch corrugated – view
With the Megxit came some changes for Duchess Meghan (38) and Prince Harry (35). In a crisis meeting Queen Elizabeth II decided that the couple after their resignation as labour may no longer...
These 7 new series will appear in April on Netflix – view
1. Nailed it! – Season 4 release date: 1. April 2020 cooking shows, in which the Participants fight for the best recipe, there are as the Sand of the...