The organizers 249 UFC found a replacement for Habib and hold a tournament on...
All the news of Russia and the world from The organizers 249 UFC found a replacement for Habib and hold a tournament on a private island
Putin signed a decree on monthly payments to families with children up to 3...
All the news of Russia and the world from Putin signed a decree on monthly payments to families with children up to 3 years in April - June
Upcoming night, to witness the largest moon in 2020
All the news of Russia and the world from Upcoming night, to witness the largest moon in 2020
The street St. Nicholas showed in the two time slices for the 2018 world...
Just two years ago, during the world Cup in 2018, the streets of Russian cities were filled with fans from 32 countries. Today those same streets are empty as ever. Photo in the format of "was/became" can see in the VR-report
What breaches allow for employers during the regime of isolation
Declared nonworking days of the enterprise needs to retain the employees average salary, all social and labor guarantees, to eliminate unjustified dismissal. But not all employers faithfully follow the letter of the law
Elena Stikhin: the Unknown more than the understanding that we will
Soprano of the Mariinsky theatre Elena Stikhin became a prize winner of the Casta diva. In an interview with "RG" the Opera singer spoke about his isolation, and also about the reaction to the news about the cancellation of performances
Patriarch Kirill: the Times of global adversity give us a chance to return to...
We live in times of change. This is a crisis, and Another thing, what changes we choose - for better or for worse. This was stated in his sermon on the Liturgy in honor of the feast of the Annunciation, the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill
Trump has accused the who of the infidels recommendations to combat coronavirus
The President of the United States Donald trump criticized the work of who in the period of the pandemic coronavirus. In his opinion, the organization is too focused on China, though funded mostly by the States
How to behave in conditions of isolation
Home quarantine in the capital lasts for the second week. Muscovites gradually adapt to it, but do not always know how to behave in the new reality. "RG" gathered answers to the most common questions
Not naked gun: can you get coronavirus at the gas station
Gas stations present increased risk of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. "RG" learned measures taken at the gas station in the period of the pandemic and what should be done by drivers to avoid that