The state Commission on Baikonur approved the crew of a new expedition to the...
The state Commission in Baikonur has approved the main and backup compounds of the crew of "Soyuz MS-16", which should be sent to the ISS on 9 April. The main team included cosmonauts, "Roscosmos" Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Wagner, NASA astronaut Christopher Cassidy
The government has allocated 3.5 billion roubles to compensate for cancelled tours
The Cabinet has allocated 3.5 billion rubles for the reimbursement of operators associated with non-refundable fares in air travel. The corresponding decree published on the government website
A day in Russia confirmed 1,175 cases COVID-19 in 56 regions
In Russia over the past day confirmed 1,175 cases COVID-19 in 56 regions of the country. These data are released, the operational headquarters to control the situation with coronavirus. All around the country 8672 was the case in 81 the region
Found under the rubble after the explosion in the Nizhny Novgorod region the man...
The second man, the victim at explosion of household gas in the Nizhny Novgorod region, died in hospital. Four people were released to outpatient care, the two assisted on the spot
The reserves of the Russian budget before the crisis amounted to more than 17...
All the news of Russia and the world from The reserves of the Russian budget before the crisis amounted to more than 17 trillion rubles, but to spend it on supporting the economy until it
The Federal air transport Agency called the country, where in the next few days...
All the news of Russia and the world from The Federal air transport Agency called the country, where in the next few days will take out the Russians, and the Ministry of transport announced prices
In the US war with the coronavirus has killed more Americans than the six...
All the news of Russia and the world from In the US war with the coronavirus has killed more Americans than the six previous wars. And most of the dead were blacks
Rosaviatsia has formed a tentative timetable for the removal of the Russians from abroad
The Federal air transport Agency has prepared a preliminary schedule of export of the Russian citizens from abroad. The project is composed by 13 April. At the moment 25,8 thousands of Russian tourists waiting to return home
The heads of the Jewish organizations and public figures recorded over the campaign #Peshelan
All the news of Russia and the world from The heads of the Jewish organizations and public figures recorded over the campaign #Peshelan
What do you think about an easter menu at the michelin star level? Chef...
The Breakdown of What makes a michelin-starred chef such as Stéphane Buyens of hostellerie Le Fox in De Panne, as he and his business forced to close due to the coronamaatregelen? Just, cooking. For...