
The number of cases of coronavirus in Russia, for the day amounted to 1175 people, more than half of them - from Moscow

The number of cases of coronavirus in Russia, for the day amounted to 1175...

All the news of Russia and the world from The number of cases of coronavirus in Russia, for the day amounted to 1175 people, more than half of them - from Moscow
Israeli court temporarily banned the transfer of Russia Aleksandrovskoe Podvorie in Jerusalem

Israeli court temporarily banned the transfer of Russia Aleksandrovskoe Podvorie in Jerusalem

All the news of Russia and the world from Israeli court temporarily banned the transfer of Russia Aleksandrovskoe Podvorie in Jerusalem

The police headquarters in Ludwigsburg, Germany: traffic accident escape in Kirchheim am Neckar Bietigheim-Bissingen...

The Mercedes was wrapped in the region of a wall forward and was probably in the or out of Parking spaces on the passenger side damaged. Then, the Unknown took off, without...
The procedure of the refund to the tourist the money for the cancelled tours

The procedure of the refund to the tourist the money for the cancelled tours

The Cabinet adopted a decision on the return of tourists sums of money from the Fund personal liability of the tour operators. According to the order, the money will be returned if the trip was planned in the period from the commencement of the limitations due to the pandemic until June 1, 2020
In the series "Portrait of intelligence", a book about academician Mikhail Marowe

In the series “Portrait of intelligence”, a book about academician Mikhail Marowe

The publishing house "Louis" was released the next book in the series "Portrait of the intelligence" about the academician Mikhail Marowe. A scientist who worked side by side with Mstislav Keldysh, left a noticeable trace in astrophysics
Why did the police chief withdraw from criminal liability

Why did the police chief withdraw from criminal liability

The chief of police in the Vladimir region near the bar beat the man. The incident was filmed on camera phones, and video hit the net. Despite the scandal and publicity in a criminal case the victim refused
The Eurogroup failed negotiations of a "new Marshall plan" for the EU

The Eurogroup failed negotiations of a “new Marshall plan” for the EU

16 hours of talks members of the Eurogroup failed parties are unable to agree on a plan to rescue economies from the effects of the epidemic of the coronavirus. According to experts, on 9 April, the negotiations will not be easy - too great a divide between North and South EU
The start of the new season, "Formula 1" postponed to the end of June

The start of the new season, “Formula 1” postponed to the end of June

All the news of Russia and the world from The start of the new season, "Formula 1" postponed to the end of June
SC started the blogger criminal case about fake for humorous videos about coronavirus Masonic conspiracy

SC started the blogger criminal case about fake for humorous videos about coronavirus Masonic...

All the news of Russia and the world from SC started the blogger criminal case about fake for humorous videos about coronavirus Masonic conspiracy
On the Russian export flight from new York allowed only those who have residence registration in the capital region

On the Russian export flight from new York allowed only those who have residence...

All the news of Russia and the world from On the Russian export flight from new York allowed only those who have residence registration in the capital region

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