Putin spoke on TV with another appeal in connection with the pandemic: “Dreary and...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Putin spoke on TV with another appeal in connection with the pandemic: "Dreary and sickening, but there is no choice"
Russia will receive the Holy fire from Jerusalem at Easter, despite the quarantine
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Russia will receive the Holy fire from Jerusalem at Easter, despite the quarantine
Bakery shares a free loaf of bread – and-gebakpakketjes to people who have a...
Arrives Bakery, Bouakline, whose offices are located in Ninove, as Yet, and Wetteren, share, free, bread, cakes and pastries to people who have a hard time at the coronacrisis. “It is for a...
Police lip: Joint press release with the Municipal order of service Detmold – Together...
For the controls the conditions of the corona protection regulation has intensified the cooperation again. Regularly a mixed Team of Local staff checked with officials of the police district service particularly strong...
Police inspection of Lüneburg: motorcycle rider fatally backwards, crashed and rolled against the patrol...
The 59-Year-old continued her journey, where the police car had no damage, but was stopped by the police patrol. In the following control, the police are not noted to officials that the...
Russia and Belarus join forces to fight coronavirus
More than 10 of thousands studies on the coronavirus will hold medical institutions of Belarus due to diagnostic material, donated by Russia. This is another good sign of a special relationship between the fraternal countries
Putin before the big meeting on the coronavirus will be performing on TV with...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Putin before the big meeting on the coronavirus will be performing on TV with "substantial and voluminous" introductory remarks
In Belarus with coronavirus were hospitalized 15 Russians who worked on the construction of...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In Belarus with coronavirus were hospitalized 15 Russians who worked on the construction of a nuclear power station
Police headquarters Central Hesse – press office Wetterau: driver escapes control
The vehicle was found some time later; from the known to police inmate no trace. What had happened? On Monday (06. April,) was a police patrol in the...
In the state Duma told who will be affected by new measures to support...
During a pandemic coronavirus families with children will be able to count on new measures of state support. In the state Duma explained the cases in which Russians relate to approved by the President of the measures and how to act to receive the payment