
In Europe canceled all scheduled for the summer basketball competition

In Europe canceled all scheduled for the summer basketball competition

All the news of Russia and the world from In Europe canceled all scheduled for the summer basketball competition
The most "impoverished" Russian billionaires lost per year 35 billion dollars

The most “impoverished” Russian billionaires lost per year 35 billion dollars

All the news of Russia and the world from The most "impoverished" Russian billionaires lost per year 35 billion dollars
The expert predicted a loss of 20-25 million Russians in case of prolongation of the regime of self-isolation

The expert predicted a loss of 20-25 million Russians in case of prolongation of...

All the news of Russia and the world from The expert predicted a loss of 20-25 million Russians in case of prolongation of the regime of self-isolation
In intensive care, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson breathes without additional assistance

In intensive care, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson breathes without additional assistance

All the news of Russia and the world from In intensive care, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson breathes without additional assistance

Police Directorate in Trier, vandalism and theft of trail in Trassem

On the section between km 10 and km 10,5 were caused by unknown perpetrators damaged the signs. in addition to the dismantling and theft of the archway marking plaques of...
Dmitry Malikov will Never swear in order to succeed

Dmitry Malikov will Never swear in order to succeed

In July, people's artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov plans to give a concert in the summer amphitheatre in the framework of the 29th competition "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk". On this and many other of the composer and the singer said "Union"
The business can grant a delay on leasing payments

The business can grant a delay on leasing payments

The Bank of Russia and Ministry of economic development are considering the possibility of business to request a deferral of lease payments by analogy with the rental payments. This was stated by the representative of the Central Bank Mikhail Mamuta
Sculptor Ernst Unknown marks 95 years

Sculptor Ernst Unknown marks 95 years

Since the birth of world-renowned sculptor Ernst Neizvestny will be 95 years. And if not for the fight against the coronavirus that caused the cancellation of all public events, the opportunity to see works by the masters would be the residents of Orenburg
The Metropolitan police will be fined for violations of the isolation

The Metropolitan police will be fined for violations of the isolation

Police in the capital received the right to prosecute for violations of the regime of self-isolation. The agreement between the interior Ministry and the Moscow government approved the decree of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin
The business will receive support in the fight against COVID-19

The business will receive support in the fight against COVID-19

It is important to soften the blow for business, the loss of which is already serious because of the situation with coronavirus, said Vladimir Putin. As new support measures proposed, in particular, delays in insurance payments and the restructuring of tax debts

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