The police headquarters of Neubrandenburg: Supplementary report to the fire to a stable building...
According to initial investigations by the criminal investigation Department on-site, an employee of the agricultural operation, has been working with a wheel loader in the barn building. He had scattered bales of...
The Thai authorities will extend visas for foreigners until April 30
The measure was taken to combat the threat of the spread of coronavirus
Mishustin explained the procedure of removal of citizens of the Russian Federation on the...
The Prime Minister said that through the portal of "public Services" contains information on 35 thousand Russian citizens living abroad and wishing to go home. 18 thousand have already been transferred to relevant departments for the organization of export
The government has prepared a ventilator for culture
The government issued a decree, which was expected of the cultural industry, which in the first rows were affected by the pandemic and look to go on a ventilator. So, the decree of 3 April No. 437 will be for theatres, museums, libraries, culture centers a kind of ventilator. However, under one condition: the skillful use.
Analysts of the Bank of Russia did not exclude the second wave of the...
With the beginning of a new season of colds and respiratory diseases could expect the second wave of the outbreak. According to the Central Bank, this may contribute to the "depletion" of the global economy to the costs of preventing the spread and elimination of virus
Putin has forbidden to close the borders regions
In Russia it is impossible to close the cargo and transport between regions, it can result in devastating consequences for the economy
Abbot Urban Federer talks about the Corona-crisis view
He wears a big cross and a well-known name. Abbot Urban Federer (51) is distantly related to Tennis Star Roger Federer (38) and the brother of old CVP national councillor Barbara Schmid-Federer (54)....
As the numbers of views of the virtual events are changing the mediamir
The pandemic coronavirus and stay in isolation the whole country has gone online. Numbers hits never dreamed of some cultural institutions. Read more about how to develop online events, says columnist "RG"
Downing street reported the stabilization of Prime Minister Johnson
The health of Boris Johnson's stabilized, but experts warn against excessive optimism: the Prime Minister could take months before he will fully restore your health
What are the difficulties that the owners of the parent capital
Permitted by law on maternity capital, the purposes for which it can be directed, not satisfied with nearly half of young families. In this case, every third mother would like to receive the amount receivable in cash. To such conclusions experts gave the results of the survey of parents