The economy of Russia are five shocks in the pandemic coronavirus
All the news of Russia and the world from The economy of Russia are five shocks in the pandemic coronavirus
Israel has asked Russia to send kits for serology tests for coronavirus
All the news of Russia and the world from Israel has asked Russia to send kits for serology tests for coronavirus
Basta and the Tree together took a swing at “Tarantinomania 2020”
Fortunately, not all artists as Alexander Vasilev from "the spleen" and Andrei Makarevich, varies now in philosophizing and the autopsy ulcers time, as they say, "do not rash me salt on the wound". Friday morning, the rapper Basta and pop singer Ricky invited the fans to dance to their new song #POPRIKOLU, in addition made application for the competition "Tarantinomania 2020", which started the band Little Big instead of the canceled "Eurovision".
To replace a virtual Passover is Easter online
From 8 to 15 April, the Jews celebrate the Passover, one of the main festivals symbolizing the birth of a new Jewish people out of slavery. And already on April 12, the torch will be Western Christians, celebrating Easter, a story about the possibility of the son of man to transcend the physical shell and find a new life. By and large, we all celebrate the same holiday - the liberation from the shackles of injustice, and the transition to a new stage of awareness of the world.
The government has completed the acquisition of the shares of Sberbank
The disposal of the Central Bank is still one share of the Bank
Russians are not fully aware of the importance of isolation – Murashko
By the end of the week will be assessed the effectiveness of the current measures, the Minister added
Tina Kandelaki was advised that the watch in isolation
General producer of "Match TV" Tina Kandelaki told "RG" movies and TV shows, she advises to look at in isolation. In the ranking of her favorite TV shows were "the Morning show" and "Locke Key". From movies, she advises "Contagion" by Steven Soderbergh
The management of “Formula 1” is going to hold up to 19 stages in...
Guide of world Cup racing in the "Formula 1" is considering the possibility of up to 19 races in the season, and some of them will be held without spectators. About options this season live on Sky Sport said sports Director of "Formula 1" Ross brown
Employees of the Russian nuclear power plant was transferred to the “barracks”
Until the end of the pandemic COVID-19 for employees of the NPP introduced a special environment. Some time they will spend in isolation in the departmental dispensaries. "RG" visited one of these resorts
SK filed a case over the dismantling of the monument to Marshal Konev in...
Russia has responded to the criminal case for the dismantling of the monument to Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev in Prague. The investigative Committee saw in the actions of the Chekhov public desecration of symbols of military glory