
The who urged countries to set deadlines for extraordinary measures in the fight against coronavirus

The who urged countries to set deadlines for extraordinary measures in the fight against...

The Director General of the who called on governments to honesty and transparency towards citizens

Twenties and laughs at the police, and we’d like to coronatijden: car confiscated

In Kortrijk, He is clearly contemptuous of the rules, but I think that's a 21-year-old man in Wervik will be expensive too. As for the man, but continued driving his CAR, his car was...
A day in Russia added 1667 cases COVID-19 in 49 regions

A day in Russia added 1667 cases COVID-19 in 49 regions

A day in Russia revealed 1667 cases of coronavirus infection in 49 regions of the country. Died in days 12 patients. This was reported by the operational headquarters for monitoring and control of the situation with COVID-19
Ministry of health: the Russians still do not realize the seriousness of the situation with coronavirus

Ministry of health: the Russians still do not realize the seriousness of the situation...

All the news of Russia and the world from Ministry of health: the Russians still do not realize the seriousness of the situation with coronavirus
Viktor Sukhorukov: "the Coronavirus has exposed the monstrous stratification of society"

Viktor Sukhorukov: “the Coronavirus has exposed the monstrous stratification of society”

COVID-19, attacked mankind without a Declaration of war, showed and revealed things are far from medicine, I'm sure the actor Viktor Sukhorukov. We can talk about this with him, although we shared 97 kilometers. I'm in my Moscow apartment, and he's on their six acres under Orekhovo-Zuevo, the.And it seems that Viktor is the only one who is not echoed by the mass choir, which sings different voices saying that the whole life after the disastrous virus has changed, and will not find anyone.
The government wanted to put the bracelets on which are under the quarantine: there is already an example

The government wanted to put the bracelets on which are under the quarantine: there...

On the background of the announced recent measures to tighten the regime of self-isolation in the Russian capital it is interesting to look at the experience of other countries. In South Korea, the authorities are seriously planning to use electronic bracelets to track people who ignore the quarantine.
Belarus has asked Russia to reduce gas prices

Belarus has asked Russia to reduce gas prices

The epidemic of the coronavirus, some countries even helps to solve their local problems. So, the consumption of energy in the world greatly reduced, hence the lower market value.
Cashing in Russia reached at least five years

Cashing in Russia reached at least five years

The statistics of the Central Bank
More than half of the cases of coronavirus in Moscow under 45 years of age

More than half of the cases of coronavirus in Moscow under 45 years of...

In the capital confirmed 1030 new cases of infection with coronavirus infection

Hamburg: No business having Sex: prostitutes in the crisis

Hamburg's brothels are closed, the Reeperbahn is empty. The Corona-crisis brings a lot of prostitutes in the Hanseatic city in existential Distress. With a General decree of the state has forbidden all...

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