With the end of April in the U.S. has expired Federal recommendations for self-isolation imposed by President Donald trump. Now the regions have to independently determine the measures for the gradual removal of quarantine restrictions, and to do it against 2 thousand deaths from COVID-19 daily. Experts fear that the lack of coordination and lack of uniform approaches can lead to a new wave of infections, although doctors hope for cure of the novel coronavirus.”We still long time to fight this disease. It’s hard to overstate how difficult this struggle”,— admitted in a conversation with reporters, Anne shuchat, Deputy Director of the U.S. Centers for control and prevention (CDC). Actually, it is an optional recommendation by the CDC is the only that will have governors of the Federal guidelines on dealing with the effects of the epidemic. Among them, for example, the Council of the restaurants use disposable menus and dishes, schools to arrange catering students directly in classrooms, and entrepreneurs to close dining rooms in their buildings.In total, the guidance Centres will be provided about the seven types of organizations (schools, kindergartens and camps, transportation facilities, religious organizations, restaurants and bars), each of which is proposed with algorithms to select the most desirable procedure for the recovery operation. However, the Federal recommendation is exactly recommendations, authorities will decide whether to use them or not. The States decide the issue of the opening of the economy in different ways: for example, in Michigan, in stores regulate the number of simultaneous visitors, and in new York the authorities require every organization that wants to restore the work, provide specific step by step plan.However, it is the recommendation of the CDC can help the governors to defend themselves against lawsuits from disgruntled residents restrictions: the heads of the regions can always refer to the fact that the measures recommended or approved by expert physicians. “The States can say, “Listen, it’s recommended that the centers for control and prevention of diseases”, and the judge will answer, “Yes, you consulted with the centers, this is the right step,” and restrictions will support, because their imposition is objectively justified”,— said the Agency Associated Press Lindsay Whaley, an expert in the field of public health American University.Against this background, “coronavirus” news from the US is still not encouraging: the country die every day from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand. Approximately half of the States, the number of cases at the same time every day grow — while it’s fair to say that this growth can be justified by the greater availability of the test hardware��tov. In addition, in the higher echelons of power of the unity of views on the situation also is not: in particular, Donald trump said, not waiting for the fall the second wave of the disease, and expressed the hope that the increase in temperature and an increase in the number of Sunny days in the United States will reduce the rate of spread of the disease. Experts in the field of health — including the members formed by the President of the Commission to combat COVID-19 — such optimism is not shared.Causing issues and the situation with epidemiological monitoring. “How do we know that the second wave? We fail, and everything will be even worse. When the hospital bed once again begin to fill, the response will be already late”,— told the publication Politico, a former employee of the Ministry of health and social services of the USA Nicole Lurie, who worked under the previous President Barack Obama. In her opinion, to “open” the country and to avoid large-scale outbreaks of infection, it is necessary to establish an extensive programme of identification and monitoring of distribution COVID-19.However, the American authorities it is hoped that, over time, to treat disease will become much easier — the main infectious diseases in the country, Anthony Fauci announced that the large-scale state tests ramdevpir of the drug company Gilead Science was a success. “It is proved that the drug can block the virus,” said Mr Fauci. He explained that the average recovery time of patients receiving the drug amounted to 11 days. Those who did not take ramdevpir, spending on recovery in four days. However, the infectious disease doctor said that the results of the study have yet to undergo peer review.Initially, ramdevpir was developed to fight Ebola, but proved ineffective. Chinese authorities tested it in Wuhan city, the epicenter of the first outbreak, but found it marginally useful — but the Chinese test took part in only 237 patients, while in the U.S. — more than 800.Alexey Naumov