‘Mental health at the hospital, with the letter’ c ‘ we are all in. Well, to be ignorant of, to be heard by the cynical. Fortunately, there is no of The Product (33). She is the author of the book “Reset,” in which she describes how cancer changed her life. In a positive sense, though. “What happens to people in a situation, there are still many small, wonderful things that you can focus.” Where do you get the book exactly about?
“about Four years ago, I was told that I had colon cancer. I always like to say that it has saved my life. Due to illness I have, once again, the value of human life have been discovered. Now, granted, that sounds immensely cliché, but at one time it was for me to turn policeman. I really thought it was done. Over & out . If you have that experience, every day is a gift from heaven.”
I had so many things that are important, and that is the last thing you need at this moment in time to feel it.
in The
‘ But, it goes further than that. Before that, I was quite unhappy, and the biggest names of all, and I realized that it is not. I was influenced in the rat race of life, and was a tireless duracellkonijn. My illness has made me as a mirror held up before them. Wow, this is how it is now? Is this my life?” I had so many things that are important, and that is the last thing you need at this moment in time to feel it. On this basis, I have had my life completely changed. Since then, I have a lot more positive.”
there are parallels with the situation today?
“The book tells my personal story, but the gist is universal. Everyone is tight with them. Whether that be cancer, depression, a broken heart, or a coronacrisis. To me it has slipped in the first few months after being discharged from the hospital? Dreams. The focus is on something that makes you happy. In my case, it was along with a friend, DreamCATchers, a kattenadoptiecafé in Ghent, and set it up. Be careful, be easy, it is different. Ill be in and run your own business from the ground stomping it. Crazy . But at the same time, it did me a lot of satisfaction. Just like the people in the coronacrisis have a beautiful home to dream about their future.”
do you Have any tips for people who are currently working difficult to have one?
“do you Find it hard to get a seven days a week to stay inside the house? Try to have a routine to create it. Happiness lies in the things you do every day. The way you get out of your bed, for example. By that, I mean, not that you’re necessarily used to have to get up and have a yoga session for the morning, refreshed and cheerful to start with. If it’s right for you, that’s fine. However, it is not a must. Not everyone performs well under stress, and the fear that is now hanging in the air. There are also people who need to be in their pod to stay on.”
“Belong to the second group. It may help to have a journal to keep track of. We have a tendency to put our thoughts in to the heads. By writing down what comes to your mind – everything, not just the negative piekergedachten – are you going to tangibly create it. That way, you can make better use of it and bring you peace in your heart.”
give yourself the time to you’re positive to come up when you are healed, you are declared.
“It’s another pair of sleeves, and if you’re sick, by the Covid-19. You may have to meditate in order to calm down your body. Did you know that the illness and pain, may be permitted. That may sound strange, but a lot of people with other responsibilities are a priority, and in a manner of speaking, ” no time to be sick. Bullshit, just listen to what you and your body need to have. Give yourself the time to you’re positive to come up when you are cured certified. You are not allowed to forget that there is a small trauma that may have occurred to you, that you may not be on a see-saw, and will soon be processed.
How do you get the best out of every day to their students.
“What happens to people in a situation may be, there are still the small, beautiful things. The gratitude is for my consumption. If you are you focus on, you will find that you finally have a smile on your face. I’m grateful to you for the lovely pattern, that is, the sun shines on the floor to draw. The soft roaring of the cat on my chest, and my husband who help me each and every morning with a cup of hot water with lemon, bring forth.”
It is interesting to see how the coronacrisis a warm and supportive hand to people in the future. This can have a lasting impact?
“Fear and love are like the yin and the yang. Where fear is, love it. By the way, to step out of fear and love and embrace it, we can achieve more. It sounds very conceptual, but it is, in essence, what you are about to see. People are noticing just how powerful it is to be loving with each other. We feel like We are there for a collective better. How to be more supportive of the examples and the hot action that we see, the more we can rely on. Slowly but surely, we have that in the us, in the long run happier, you can make it.
be sure to Read all of the other tips can be found in the ” My Thuisblijfgids’. To read more about it:
Lana (33), and a book on how to cancer, her life was saved: “I didn’t have to get sick now, my dreams will never chase had.
Coronacrisis puts the storm to sleep, anxiety symptoms, and burn-outs with it: these tips can help you get through this difficult period(+)
give Birth in the time of the solar corona, “Thanks for the bubble, we can focus on the little one” (+).
the book of The “Reset” was normal from the 3rd of april, in the shops. The coronacrisis the launch has been postponed to the bookstore to re-open the doors. You can Reset all the pre-order viaBol.com. The price is 19,99€.