Linen, dried on the balcony in the city, not becomes clean and fresh, and collects malicious elements of the periodic table. In an interview with radio Sputnik said the Director of the laboratory “Ecology of life space” Anton Yastrubtsi.

“Raw linen outside the window will work as a filter. It will precipitate the suspended particles. Urban particles are not dust, and heavy metals, soot, dust from abrasion of brake pads and tires. It’s all the carcinogens,” — said the expert.

Prolonged contact with these substances, warned the environmentalist, may increase the risk of tumors. Of yastrubtsi stressed that the effect on health will be made immediately, however, the body burden would increase significantly.

To drying clothes outside was useful to do this in a clean area or leafy courtyard, advises the specialist. But if the balcony of the apartment overlooking a busy road, then this method of drying should be abandoned.

Were previously disclosed major errors when washing sports and beachwear. Thus, the swimwear experts advise to wash by hand and when washing clothing is to use the air conditioning. It can be replaced with vinegar.