The Russians in the period of self-isolation began to spend more time on the network, in particular, to watch movies on pirate websites, which could lead to startup viruses, spyware and cryptainer. Why do not use illegal kinoresursov and how to protect yourself and your devices from malicious attackers, told RIA Novosti interviewed experts.

"the Popularity of streaming platforms, TV series and movies, the attackers often use for their own purposes. … We see that under the guise of such content to spread adware and malware: add them to files with names of popular shows, as well as using well known brands to conduct phishing attacks. Among the threats there are various Trojans that allow, for example, delete or block data, or steal passwords from online banking, as well as spyware, which you can use to access information on the device", – said the expert on cyber security "Kaspersky Lab" Dmitry Greeks and Gauls.

Consultant, Center of information security of the company "infosistemy Dzhet" Alexander Ghosn said that such resources can request data of social networks, passport details or Bank card, for example, under the pretext of registration of the trial period. As a result, data can be compromised, money is stolen and the user will be faced with blackmail and extortion.

"We encourage users to watch movies through legitimate services such as Netflix, instead of having to use pirated content. Ideally, if users have antivirus on all your devices. Antivirus acts as a protective network, and protects users in the event of threats", – said the head of the representative office Avast in Russia and the CIS Alexey Fedorov.

The CTO Qrator Labs Artem Gavrichenkov added that if for watching video, for example, downloading a Flash Player, then these resources need to leave immediately.

"Even the pirate sites already do not require installation on your computer additional software, whether Java or Flash Player. In any case, no files, including application files, and files specified as videos or documents to download from such sites is impossible," he explained.

"the only Free cheese is in a mousetrap. To view the content on pirate websites means that you can share with cyber criminals for their personal data or, with greater probability, "catch" any malware on your device. Recommendation there can be only one: do not use pirated resources, use legal content. The cost of a monthly subscription at the many excellent legal resources for watching TV shows and movies, is now a very small sum��have comparable to the cost of a good chocolate bar", – concluded the Director of the office of information technologies ESET Russia Ruslan Suleymanov.