The coronacrisis throw in everyone else’s life gets turned upside down. Life is a standstill, and the economy is shutting down, it is quiet. 1 in a million people temporarily out of work. According to the Flemish prime minister Jan Jambon (N-VA), we are now in a “tsunami”.

now, We want to see what kind of financial impact this crisis is having on your financial situation. If you are temporarily unemployed, you will be sitting at home, and if you’re willing to on the basis of the actual figures and explain how much lower is your household income now compared to the time prior to the coronamaatregelen? Please let us know with your name and contact details so that your story can be achieved on the basis of the actual figures. It is also supposed to be a picture of you and/or your family will have to give up on the story.

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Have any questions about the corona virus?
A the answer to an important question can be found here.

What is the corona virus? What are the symptoms? How can infection be avoided? What if you get sick? What measures are there in Belgium? For more about the corona virus Family, Suzanne (90), receives fan mail from all over the world for her self-sacrifice: “The Pekke was such a great lady”

The world is under the spell of Suzanne Hoylaerts from Binkom, in Lubbeek. The 90-year-old lady, was the best alternative.
the Belgian clothing retailer e5 mode, asks for protection from creditors < / P> After the Store Tuesday expressed the fear that the coronacrisis may not survive it…

Bakers and food stores may open at earlier hours

as of the coronamaatregelen of the government may be food, open from 7 to 22 hrs. But this bullet.

the MAP below. So many infections has your congregation
It is a new corona virus as well as all of the countries in the world in a choke-hold, even in the country. In order to e… for More than 20.000 viewers for the FIT out of my room’ from the Sportoase < / P> Sportoase, owner of a total of sixteen swimming pools, and sports facilities, including those of the Centre, the H…